🍡 (☔️) Blue and Gray {{Soulmate AU}}

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On my fourth birthday, I woke up and cried. My mother came into my room and explained something devastating.

She told me that on everyone has a someone that is their perfect match. This is what they call a soulmate. And on everyone's fourth birthday they lose sight of their soulmate's eye color. The color is replaced by an empty space. Not White, not Black, not anything in between just, emptiness. The color would only appear when you first make eye contact with your soulmate. 

She cheered me up by telling me that it would help us find each other and asking me what color was missing. Holding up cards of different colors.

"Mom? can I have two soulmates?" I asked.

She patted my head "No silly."

"Then why can't I see either of these?" I asked while pointing to two sperate void-like cards

My mother stared at me before staring back at the cards I had pointed two.

"Wow y/n! blue and gray? Your Soulmate must have very pretty eyes!"

I smiled, At this moment I was very excited.

But that couldn't last. I would never accept it as fair that I was unable to see two colors.

There were signs that were only blue and gray that I could not read. I couldn't see the sky or the clouds. I couldn't see the ocean. There are many supposedly beautiful things made of blue and gray. There were days and nights when I would cry so much that my face would swell.

I was 15 now My first week of Highschool at UA. Being in General studies already sucked. I wanted to be a hero, but some of us just aren't lucky enough to get into A class. My Quirk being  Fate Reading I failed to do shit in the Practical l exam. So here I am. in General Department Class C.


"Y/n We gotta go" That's Hitoshi Shinso, My best friend. We've known each other since middle school and we even ended up in the same class at UA.

I got up from my seat at our lonely lunch table and followed my purple haired friend. out too the hallway as he held my arm tight. "Hitoshi your cutting off my circulation!" "I dont wanna lose you in the crowd Y/n!" He said, but he still loosened his grip.

As soon as he did, however, I was swept away and shoved into a wall. banging the back of my head.

It was then that I felt it, a sensation. My right felt warm, while my left felt cool. It was the strangest feeling ever yet strangely comforting to me. "Sorry," A monotone male voice said. A boy was pinning me. "I'm not letting this happen"  I pressed my hand to his chest to push him off. When suddenly I heard his next thoughts. 

"Is this what e/c looks like? So beautiful...."

So I gazed up, A boy with an empty eye was starring to the away from me until he noticed my hand on his chest, And as he turned to look into my e/c eyes, a fade of white hit us both before our vision returned with added colors. I could Finally see

Blue and Gray. 

Bonus Scene:

"Hey you! Half n' Half!" I yelled, The boy pinning my best friend didn't turn. "HALF N HALF"  I shoved my way towards him to no avail. "YO HALFSIE." I yelled as loud as I could. He finally turned. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" The boy started to respond before... 

"GOTCHA BITCH," I said while making him collapse to the floor before Y/n snapped out of her apparent trance to catch him.  

"HITOSHI STOP HE'S MY SOULMATE!!!" Y/n screamed at me.

Shinso: "..."

Reader-chan: "!"

Shinso: "..."

Shinso: "... oops"

ShotoTodoroki x Reader ONESHOTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora