The Destroying of a Horcrux and a vist to the Lovegood's

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Hermione and I made a decision to go up the stairs wands drawn and at the ready. "Harry!" Hermione called out. Next thing I knew there was Nagini. Hermione blasted off a spell and then quickly apparted to diffrent camp site that is in the middle of the woods. We set up camp and Hermione tried to wake up Harry but he looked like crap so she encouraged him to rest. I made the fire but then I went for a walk, when I came back Harry was awake. "When Grindelwald was seventeen, he was expelled from Durmstrang.
He’d started doing some twisted
things at school -- experiments. A few teachers had always protected him, but they couldn’t anymore. After he left, he traveled for awhile, then ended up in Godric’s Hollow where his great aunt lived, Bathilda Bagshot." Hermione told Harry then I came back. "She introduced him to Dumbledore. It made sense. Dumbledore’s mother had just died, Grindelwald was troubled and they were both brilliant -- they’d never really had anyone they could talk to on the same level. They did a lot of
talking that summer. But they
always returned to one particular

"Wizard rule over muggles." I sighed.

"And Dumbledore believed it?" Harry asked.

"Yes." Hermione said.

"‘For the Greater Good.’ What does
that mean?" Harry asked.

"It was something Dumbledore came
up with. He believed wizards were
superior and should rule over
Muggles, but gently, for their own
good. Grindelwald took a more
violent position." She explained. "It was a different time, Harry.
It was one summer. Dumbledore was young--"

"We’re young, Hermione. And here
we are, risking our lives to fight
against the very thing Dumbledore
supported." Harry told us amd he was right.

"And you're right Harry but I don't care what Dumbledore thought. I am not here becuase of him. I am here for me, and to make sure everyone I remotely care about lives." I told him.

"He changed, Harry. Years later,
it was Dumbledore who put
Grindelwald in prison." She said ignoring my comment.

"Where’s my wand? I’ll take watch." Harry said but we both instantly hesitated. "Hermione. Where’s my wand?" She points. There, lying by the fire, is a shattered stick. He picks it up gently, sees that it is nearly severed in two. One fragile strand of phoenix feather holds it together.

"It’s my fault. As we were leaving
Godric’s Hollow, I cast a curse and it rebounded... I’m sorry, Harry, I tried to mend it but wands are different--" She tried to explain herself but Harry cut her off.

"It's done." Harry said.

"Maybe we can--" She was cut off again.

"It's done." He repeated finalizing it. "Leave me yours. You two get back in the warm."

I went in the tent but not before hearing Hermione say, "He loved you, Harry. I know he loved you." After that I fell asleep reading, Hamlet. Then I woke up after Harry shook me.

"Athens, wake up!" Harry said in a whisper shout.

"What?" I asked, half asleep.

"We found Godric Gryffindor's Sword." That instantly woke me up.

"I'll get the locket." I then got up and went to my coat, taking it out of the inner pocket. I put my coat on then following Harry outside where Ron was. We walked a few yards away from the tent and I gave the locket to Harry. Ron had the blade. I saw the locket begin to twitch.

"See that, it knows. It's afraid." Harry paused for a moment before saying, "Do it."

"What? No. Harry. That thing’s
bad for me. I can’t handle it.
I’m not making excuses for how I
acted, but that thing affects me
more than it affects you and
Hermione amd Athems. It made me think stuff -- stuff I was thinking anyway, but it made everything worse. Just being around it made my mood change and it was with Athens the whole time." Rona argued.

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