Part 1 - Latvia

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"There's no way it's so horrible there, Toris. You're surely exaggerating." Raivis snorted, jogging to keep up with Toris.

Raivis felt Toris tense up next to him, felt his pace quicken. "No, it is not." he said quietly. "Do not ever say that again."

"Why not?" Raivis asked incredulously. "I'm allowed to say whatever I want!"

Toris stopped abruptly, so that Raivis bumped into him, then turned, his expression unreadable. "No, you're not. What don't you understand about it, Raivis? This is very serious. You are to be quiet, kind, and respectful. You are not to ask any questions."

Raivis raised an eyebrow. "I don't get it, Toris. I'm just moving into another house with you. Why're you making such a huge deal about it?"

Toris sighed, rubbing his temples. "This is exactly what I feared. I told Eduard not to put this burden on your shoulders, but her refused to listen." he whispered, then turned to Raivis. "Because, Raivis, it is a huge deal. You must understand this. If you are to survive in the Braginsky house, everything is a huge deal. You must be the perfect guest. You cannot talk back, cannot speak out, cannot do anything that would separate you from the rest of those living at the house. And most of all... you must say nothing to Ivan, unless he asks you a question directly. Even then, be careful. Do not make him angry or..." Toris trailed off, shuddering, and Raivis knew, feeling a strange chill down his spine, that it had nothing to do with the cold.

"Or what?" Raivis whispered.

"That doesn't matter." Toris shook his head, then grabbed Raivis' arm and dragged him towards the house. "Just be careful, Raivis, please."

"Uh... alright. Though I still don't understand why you're so wound up about it."

"You will soon."

hi thanks for reading this. Yes, the first part's short, but that's because I originally intended this to be a oneshot. Longer chapter are coming next!

Leave a vote and a comment if you liked, it's much appreciated! onward march!

This Cold Empty House Full of Secrets - Soviet Union ShortWhere stories live. Discover now