Part 2 - Estonia

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Eduard's eyes pored over the screen, shining, as he felt his hopes rising again.

Toris burst into their room, but his eyes were blazing with anger.

"What have you done, Eduard?" Toris snarled, marching up behind him. Eduard turned around and rolled his eyes. "What is it, Toris? I haven't done anything but -"

"Why did you invite Raivis here?" Toris hissed.

Eduard's smile faded. "Oh. That. Well, I told you. He was all alone in that big house. He needs us here -"

"He is a child, Eduard!" Toris stamped his foot on the ground. "He cannot survive here! Ivan will tear him apart!"

Eduard wrinkled his nose. "He's tougher than he looks, Toris. He'll be just fine. Really, you shouldn't worry so."

Toris gaped. "You are delusional, Eduard, if you really think that Raivis will be just fine. Do you not remember the things that Ivan does? We can barely survive ourselves, and we are at least ten years older than he is!"

"It has nothing to do with age." Eduard said, expression sour. "He is stronger than we were at his age."

"Yes! It! Does!" Toris exploded. "I can only think of what Ivan will do to him, physically and mentally..." he sank to the ground with a groan.

Eduard took a deep breath. "Toris. I would not have invited him here if I was not certain that he would at least survive. He could do so by himself, but he will also have us looking after him. I don't want to think about what Ivan..." he shook his head. "Either way, he'll... live."

"He'll live?" Toris wailed. "I don't want him to live, I want him to be happy!"

Eduard pressed his lips together. "I don't want to think about that, Toris. Look, I've forgotten to tell you. I've just found new information."

Toris looked up at Eduard quizzically. "You've what?"

Eduard looked to the door first. To make sure no one was there. To make sure no one was listening. Then he leaned towards Toris. "A house. Someone's selling a house, far away too. In Iceland. We could go there. You and me and Raivis. We'd be fine." he whispered excitedly. "And, and! There's hot springs! And a piano! A piano, imagine -"

"Are you absolutely insane, Eduard?" Toris interrupted hoarsely.

"What? I thought you'd be happy about it."

"Happy? You really have lost yourself, Eduard! A house! Oh, when were you looking for this? Did anyone see you? Can anyone trace you or do any of that ridiculous technology hacking stuff?" Toris paced around the room, his fingers running through his hair.

"Of course not! Really, you think I'm an amateur. I'm offended. And hey, why's it such a bad idea? Don't you want to just... leave?" Eduard's voice dropped in volume at that last sentence.

"Obviously!" Toris yelled, then quieted. "But you can't! Leaving, just like that? We can never, ever leave! He will find us. He will go to the ends of the earth if he has to, but he will find us. And then... what would happen afterwards! He would kill us. He would be so, so angry..." Toris trailed off, eyes distant and very, very scared. "Are you sure no one saw you? Are you sure you've left that website or whatever?"

Eduard felt a twinge of guilt. Toris had always gotten the worst of it, out of the both of them. He knew Toris would never leave, though it was probably the thing that he wanted most. "Right. Yes. Sorry. I have."

Toris sighed in relief, closing his eyes and leaning against the wall of their small bedroom. "Thank God."

Then there was a knock on the door.

"Toris~? Eduard~? You are in there, da?" a sweet, melodic voice carried across the hall. The voice of nightmares.

Toris' eyes widened and all the color left his face. He started shaking, holding on to the wall for support. "Yes, we are." Eduard answered, fear rushing into his chest, hoping with all his heart that he sounded normal enough for Ivan.

"Good! I come in, da?" Ivan asked, then opened the door without waiting for an answer. Toris stood up straight as a stick and stopped shaking, though his face was still white as a sheet.

"Toris, I heard yelling. Everything is alright, da?"

"Yes, sir." Toris whispered.

Ivan laughed. "I told you to call me Ivan, da? Did you forget again?"

"N-no!" Toris squeaked. "I mean yes! I mean sorry!"

"Toris, you are funny." Ivan smiled. "I was here to tell you, come with me."

Toris froze. "Yes... Ivan." he said quietly. Eduard was sure he could have heard a pin drop. He wanted to do something for Toris, but knew he could not. He was frozen to his seat, anyway.

And he watched, unable to do anything but watch, as Ivan led an ashen-faced Toris from the room with nothing but a small smile.

hei i told you i would write longer chapters.

author promises

author delivers

anyway, thanks for reading! leave a vote and a comment if you liked, it makes me happy inside to have your support~!

now stay tuned for the next chapter

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