A change at heart

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Hermione's pov:

we went to our respective classes after "the talk" with his parents. honestly, I thought Narcissa was going to come off as very rude, but she was really a sweet mother just caring for her lost son.

we reached the hallway and said goodbye, parting our ways. this all was still a bit weird for me. These are the times where you understand the true value of life and life dependent situations.

I used to always boss around Harry about the decisions he takes and why he used to be so hesitant or lost at times, I understood all of that today.

Arithmancy was okay and what pained me the most was transfiguration. I literally had zero concentration throughout and had Mcgonagall look at me with pity in her eyes.

The next was potions.. which I was most anxious about. Facing Draco drains all my energy. I walked into the classroom quite early,only having a few slytherins in the class. At this time I really hoped someone would show up before these people start throwing insults at me. But something was different today. No one seemed to glare at me, some tried to subtly observe me.. interesting... these people are really loyal to Draco.. I wonder what type of talk he had with them.

Relief washed over me when I heard everyone piling in the classroom. I gave Harry and Ron a smile as Draco came at our table. I nodded at him and paid attention at Slughorn.

"Today we will be making something which is not in your curriculum but for fun. Today's potion is called as 'Envie avenir' which merely translates to 'desire of future' in English. It was invented by a french lady, hence the name.
Now this potion is very useful for those who are struggling to understand what they want in their future. It directly affects a portion of brain which shows what are your true desires of the future, what do you want from life... Now you will brew this potion individually and you will write what you saw honestly as a homework. It will be discrete so no need to worry about it. You have 2 hours to finish this potion."

This is exiting. I always wanted to either work in the ministry or become an Auror.. Let's see what this potion says. But I don't know why this is giving me very unusual vibes. I sighed and went to collect the ingredients.

Draco seems in a really good mood today. He and Blaise have been constantly talking about something and laughing.

His smile is Divine. His teeth looked like Merlin himself fixed them in his mouth..His Silvery, perfect hair styled at the back, glowing due to the sunlight and pale porcelain skin really made me wonder if he is a part Veela... I mean it would explain all the girls that would sworn over him and that fiery temper..

What are you thinking Hermione?!?! I shook my head dismissing my thoughts. I went back at my table, silently starting to make the potion. Draco arrived soon beside me and started reading the instructions. Two hours went by in silence.. I was extremely focused and hoped that it turned out to be perfect. But something made me feel uneasy..

Draco didn't even talk to me in class....Hermione?! I scolded myself. I didn't knew why I was craving his attention.

It's maybe because no one made you feel like this. -Victor krum did! My brain argued. I mean he is one of the hottest and famous quidditch player. Hmph no..He used to just look at you all day. It's been just two days since Draco has started talking to me.. Why am I thinking about this?

My thoughts were interrupted when Slughorn said that it was time to try our potions. It was quite simple actually since everyone almost made a perfect potion. I was really nervous while everyone looked exited.

Draco looked emotionless. He always masks his feelings. I poured the potion in a glass and as soon as everyone was about to drink it, I took a sip.

My eyes instantly closed and there was bright light everywhere. Then I started seeing a beautiful and magnificent House, with a breathtaking garden.. Birds chirping in the sky, Sun kissing the earth and the sound of laughter.
My mind made my way towards the sound. I saw a women with curly, long caramel coloured hair wearing a pretty knee length floral sundress looking at a man wearing a grey shirt tucked in the black trousers and a neat tie around his neck, with familiar silvery blond hair which glowed in the sun, two young boys and a little baby girl giggling with the same silvery hair were sitting on the table eating breakfast.

It didn't take me long to realise who they were.... It was an older version of me with Draco and our children. I felt so overwhelmed as the effects of the potion wore off and I was brought back to the reality.

I glanced at everyone. All of us were in shock. Well I guess nobody expected to see what they saw.. I looked at Draco and at the same time he looked at me. I would be lying if I said I didn't saw a small smile playing on his lips.

"What did you see Draco?" I went ahead and asked softly.
"We will make really good looking children." He winked at me and swifly went over to his friends. Blood rushed to my cheeks which were probably glowing red now. I tried to compose myself and walked over to Harry and Ron.

Harry looked flustered while Ron looked Happy.
"I saw me being an Auror.. My photographs in the the prophet with a prize and all!" Ron said planting a fist in the air.

"That's great Ron! Now you know what to do.. And why is Harry looking like a red velvet cake?" I asked playfully. "Nothing Hermione!" Harry shook his head trying to pack his bag. Me and Ron laughed. He probably saw Ginny. I wonder when he will confess his feelings.

Our day was officially over and I went into the dorm. I had to pack things as Head girl and boy had a different dorm. Today was the day I was moving in. I sighed and started packing things. Seeing him made me nervous all the time and not seeing him made me uneasy.

Human emotions never failed to astonish me. I grabbed my heavy trunk and stumbled my way to our dorm. Crap! I don't know the password. I remember Mcgonogall mentioning it to me but it slipped my mind. Great, now I will have to wait for draco to come. I waited for 10 minutes until I heard shouting.

"I will not tolerate this behavior Theo.. And I will not think twice before strangling you if you ever used that language about her." Draco said fiercely. Her? Are they talking about me?He is so intimidating.

"Oh hello Hermione, so you finally decided to move in?" His angery voice suddenly shifted to gentle. "Yeah, I was just so preoccupied I didn't got the chance. I just don't know the password.... So I'm standing here..." I muttered quickly. "Oh yes, I noticed.. The password is Siempre." He said as the door flung open.

"Siempre? Isn't that Spanish for forever?" I thought out loud.
"So miss know-it-all here also knows spanish?" He said playfully. "Just a few words." I muttered embarrassed.

"Your room's over there, mine is over here and the bathroom's there." He pointed at the direction and I simply nodded. I looked at my room and it was extremely cosy. Just like how I would want it.
"Would you like to come for dinner?" Draco asked from outside the door. "Erm..no actually I'm not hungry.. I also have loads of unpacking to do.. So you go ahead." I said opening my trunk.

"Okay.. If you say so.. I will bring you something incase you get hungry." Draco said as he walked out of the room. I smiled. This is not bad at all.. Is it?

This was just a filler chapter. I hope you liked it.
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