Chapter 1

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How did I get here?

Lying in the street with a bloody, bleeding hand was not where I was supposed to be, and neither was the wolf I was staring at. Everyone knew the occult had to hide, or face the police. So why was this one here, staring at me?

It took me a few moments to realise that this wolf's fur was speckled with red dots. No, they weren't dots. As I focused, I realised it was my own blood. It had attacked me, for some reason. Was I in its territory? Was it part of the occult revolution that had been running in the streets? Was I just it's dinner?

The wolf was staring at me, and I knew it could see me trying to work out what was going on. It's huge paws stepped forward until it was towering over me. I tried to shrink back, but I could not melt into the wall no matter how hard I tried. I couldn't help but stare into its eyes, and once I did, I was transfixed. He had human eyes, deep blue in colour with a large black ring around the outside, telltale signs that it was no dog, it was a werewolf. He seemed to be waiting for something, watching. It was only a few seconds before the wolf shook his head and pressed his forehead against mine. And then I could hear his voice in my mind.

Find me again. Follow me home. Let your heart guide you back to me. Sherwood is your new home.

I swallowed hard, amazed at his voice. It was low and commanding, compelling and alluring. He looked up and down the alley, listening to something. I was staring at his face as the wolf leapt off me and bounded away into the darkness.

As my mind returned to me, so did my hearing. I realised I could hear police sirens, and footsteps, before a blurry face and a hand on my shoulder appeared. My heart raced as I thought of the words he said. The officer shook me again, before he found my wallet in my purse, which lay across the pavement, spilled everywhere. I could make him out pulling my ID card out of my wallet, and nodding to someone else.

The next thing I knew, paramedics had rushed over and were asking a million different questions all at once. I was too transfixed by the wolf to understand what was happening. They sat me up, feeling everywhere they could. A pain on the back of my head made me wince, and earned me a look of concern. I didn't resist as they placed me on a spinal board and loaded me into the ambulance, ready to travel. As I looked back, I could see a man through the darkness, staring at me, his eyes piercing through the darkness as if they were the only light source for miles.

That was the last thing I could remember before I passed out.

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