Chapter 3

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One of the kind nurses brought me food as I very slowly tried to sit up. I was ready to pull out every single stitch in my body, and the IV, too. My body ached and groaned every time I moved, but eventually, I was able to receive solid food on a plate. It was strange, though. It didn't look very appetizing, except for the juicy beef cutlet doused in gravy. I managed to pick my way through the meal, until it was all gone. The nurse looked pleased.

"I'll get your things for you so you can go home." She smiled and left, so just Elle and I were in the room. She reached over and held my hand. "I'm so glad you're doing this well, Tala. The faster we get home, the faster you get better." She smiled, giving my hand a gentle squeeze. I can't help but return her smile. 

The nurse returned at that moment, her arms full of medical supplies, medicines, and paperwork. She gave me a weary smile as she set it all down. "Okay, so you need to take these antibiotics three times a day with a meal, and clean your wounds on your hand and head with this every morning and night. Then we'll make an appointment to remove those stitches in about a week." She smiled, writing everything down on stickers and placing them on the medicines. "Here you are." Elle took them for me and puts them in her handbag as the nurse inspects the wounds. "The wounds are looking good, no sign of infection at all." She nods and looks up at me. "That's good news. I'll sign the papers for you to leave, and remove your IV." 

I smiled groggily at her. "That sounds good." She quickly wrote some things down on a piece of paper, pinned it to a clipboard, and then returns to wipe my elbow clean, placing a cotton ball over the needle in my arm and removing it swiftly. 

She smiled again and quickly leaves, leaving me and Elle all alone. "Well," she said cheerily, "I think that means we get to go home!" I look at her like she's crazy, but she ignores me. Instead, she grabs all my things for me - not that I had many to begin with. A few blankets and cards, a stuffed toy, and flowers, all from people trying to get in Elle's good books, I guessed, and of course, my ruined clothes and bag from the incident, which had been returned to me by the police just before I woke up, apparently.

"Let's get you up and out of bed, then." Elle says, offering me her arm. I take it, and try to pull myself up. After a lot of strength from her, we finally managed to sit me up. Out of breath, Elle pressed the nurse button to help me stand up. After a few more minutes of chaos, I was up on my feet, strangely full of energy and ravenously hungry.

"Wow, look at you!" the nurse says, ecstatic at my progress. "Well, I hope you feel better soon, Tala. We'll see you next week!" She says, giving me a hand to help find my way to the inpatients exit.

Elle took my hand and led the way after that. "Homeward bound!" She yelled, pointing towards the horizon. "Come on!"

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