Wendy Theory

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Hi. Like I said in the last chapter, this is one of my pesonal theories, ( and pretty much my only personal theory as of now) and I don't have a lot of evidence supporting it. However, it wouldn't be as much as a shock to me if this was true. Also, this will be a short chapter. Anyway, on with the theory!

So, if Wendy is the ice on the Bill Wheel, Then in my logic, she has a secret. I think Wendy's secret is that she is an alien. Stupid? Yes. Impossible? No. If you think about it, it might make sense. First of all, when you think of an alien, you might see a pale grey creature that's either very tall or very short. They are super slender, however they have a large head. Wendy, is super pale, despite living in a super hot community where she once worked as a lifeguard on the hottest day of summer. She is abnormally tall, has a head almost twice the size of her body width and strangely physically fit. Why is it strange? Wendy is pretty lazy, with junk food as a large part of her diet. Maybe her species is just super athletic? It may explain her father. This theory might also explain why her possible symbol is ice. Her species might be from an ice planet or something. She might have a naturally cold body temperature, so she doesn't tan or sweat in the heat. Yes, this theory is really stupid. It's just something I thought of, in a dark room, obsessing over Gravity Falls. It's kind of a off the top of my head theory. Sorry about wasting your time. 

Not sure about the next chapter, but I think I'll just review some popular theories. Ok I love you buh bye!

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