Chapter 1

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And here I am finally after so long, sorry guys!

It was a sunny afternoon when Ruby escaped her eternal prison. It has been 70 years since she's been last seen by anyone on Remnant. As she rose up from the ground she noticed the faint smell of cinnamon and vanilla in the air and somehow the air even seemed colder on the east side of the forest she found herself in.

As she was walking around she realised where she was,she was in the forest in which she always used to train with her dear sister Yang. Oh how she missed those little moments. It was also the forest which reminded her a heartbreaking moments of her life which she wished never to relive again.

She began walking around the forest aimlessly trying to figure out where exactly she was located at the moment hoping she wasn't far from the one place she knew she would be welcomed back in, home. She was finally free though it didn't feel like anything changed at all, she thought about revenge oh sweet sweet revenge, revenge on those who have wronged her and the people who she holds close to her heart.

Then she remembered one of her dearest friends telling her that revenge is a fools game, she didn't see it that way mabye it was wrong to think about it maybe not she didn't know. She just couldn't fathom the fact that people can be so power-hungry and selfish not in a million years did she imagine people doing something like this, forcing people to separate for what power, fame, to clear a family name that didn't need clearing of such things, she didn't understand the logic behind it but it's not like she could change everything with a single snap of her fingers.

But creatures like Ruby always ended up like her or even worse dead as far as she knows she's the only one of her kind. A hybrid that's what she is, a vampire and a wolf with cute little ears and a tail when she wants she can shift into a blood red wolf, oh and let's not forget the eyes, those remarkable silver eyes the legends tell us so much about, people aren't even sure if it's only a legend or if it's real. She know though, everyone close to her heart knows it and now she's finally back to kick some ass.

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