3 : Choosing your character's backstory

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When it comes to Backgrounds for our character's background stories, we want to make it interesting and cool.

So then why is every single oc's backstory the same?

Was bullied, went insane, killed bullies, killed parents, killed other people for no reason, ran away and lived happily ever after with the Creepypastas in the woods.

Was abused, went insane, killed parents, killed others, ran away and lived happily ever after with Creepypastas in the woods.

Was raped, was hated, was tortured, was blah blah blah, etc.

These backgrounds are so overused to where they don't even make good backgrounds anymore. Just because you were abused, doesn't mean you'd go insane and kill everyone around you, just because you were bullied, doesn't mean you'd go insane and kill everyone around you, just because you were raped, doesn't mean you'd go insane and kill everyone around you. Understand?

Just because these things happened to a character, doesn't give them a proper reason to suddenly kill people.

I was bullied, I was emotionally and verbally abused, but I never killed anyone. I had violent thoughts, but I never acted on them? You want to know why? HUMAN MORALS.

Killer's are usually those who grew up with different personalities from what we consider to be normal. Which means, they don't feel like we do. They don't feel emotions properly, and those emotions that they usually do feel are the negative ones.

But that doesn't give you an excuse to make all of your character's emotionally numb, because this happens only about maybe 2% out of the neighborhood you live in, and no, you're most likely not one of them.

I'm not saying that you can't use these backgrounds, but if you do, just make sure to make it your way. Don't try to make it overly depressing or overly dramatic, because 99% of the time no one will care and will probably just call your oc over reactive and leave.

Your character was bullied? Okay, why were they bullied? People find things about the victim to bully them about. I was bullied because I was chubbier than other girls in my grade and because of my acne. Make it to where it's believable and realistic, no one is going to bully you just for the sake of bullying, and if is how you're going to put it, you're just being lazy.

Your character was abused? Okay, why were they abused? Was the Mother or Father on drugs? Did they have some kind of mental illness that made them unstable? Were they a sociopath who secretly loved to harm their family for their own sick entertainment? Give it a reason, no one abuses anyone without a reason. A person who abuses another human being or any living being for that matter, had either experienced it themselves and they grew up with the mentality that harming others was the norm, or they have some kind of unstable mind that causes them to do it.

Your character was raped? Okay, why were they raped? Now Rape is a very sensitive topic, and I never experienced this so I don't know anything first hand. But as I said before with the previous ones, no normal person would harm another person without a reason. If your character is Raped, the person who did it obviously has something wrong with them. I don't know about you, but I wouldn't be able to force myself onto someone if they were screaming or crying, that would terrify the shit out of me. So the person behind it would most likely have some kind of unstable mind in order to do it, perhaps they themselves were sexually harassed so maybe they think that it's okay for them to do whatever they want to people.

Point is, if you're going to use some overused topic for your background, make it to where it's realistic and it has a reason to happen. Because "Just cuz" isn't a real reason, it's just an excuse.

A bullied person isn't going to kill people just because they had enough.

A abused person isn't going to kill people just because they had enough.

A raped person isn't going to kill people just because they had enough.

There's more reasons behind why people go down that dark path, and us, as sane people who haven't killed anyone, we don't know what made them snap and do those things. We can only guess, but 99% of the time, people go over board and it leads to a crappy background for a character.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2018 ⏰

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