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Sorry these first chapters are horrible so don't judge them so fast ......

I was having a normal Monday ,I woke up got ready for school .I wore a white long sleeve and jeans with my classic old dirty vans . I kissed aunt may good bye  and left .
When I was walking down the sidewalk I heard an ear-piercing scream ,but like I the only person who heard it with my super hearing . I  ran and ran being the fact my spider suit takes a hell of a long time to put on I decided against wearing it .by the time I got there I was like 3 bloks from school then I heard it again down the alley way . The lady was fairly beaten ,  the mugger noticed me and charged at me he tried stabbing me but I dodge , and a whole fight sequence began . At the end of out 10 min fight the lady left the guy ran off and if it wasn't because of school I would of cought him . 
I was pretty Shure I broke his nose and wrist while he gave a slit lip some what bleeding and tore of my right white sleeve with not too much of a deep stab wound where he tore it of at my shoulder .

I ran of to school due to the fact that if I was late one more time I would go to the principles office . Made it to the class barging in right when the bell rang , every single person looked at me .WHERE WAS THE TEACHER . I walked to the only seat open which lucky me was the front .

Random people pov
-Holy fuck
-he is fucking bleeding
-Peter Fucking Parker has muscle
-where the fuck are the science shirt puns ?!?!!?

A LOT of girls finally took notice of him due to his shirt sticking with sweat at his abs and guys glared at him

The teacher came in with his attention on something else and then all of a sudden Parker says

"Mr Wilson ??? "
"May I go to the nurse ?"

Mr Wilson looks up in slight shock  at  -peter drenched in blood and sweat

"Uhh yeah pass is over there -"

"Thanks * he gets up and leaves .

"What the fuck was that
Where is nerdy peter Parker
Did he get in a fight
More questions


Lunch came and peter had already given and explanation he was given a school tank top due to his shoulder wrapped up in bandages and was sent to lunch while they could contact his guardian .

I walked inside and everything got silent I went to my usual seat tried to ignore all the stares and talked to ned .
Everybody is talking about you bro
Yeah I was just stabbed this morning aunt may is going to pick me up any minute now .

Flash pov

What the fuck is up with penis Parker if he can't even handle me then how is he treating a stab wound like nothing ???!!? I bet he's just faking it like his internship with Tony Stark ..


the door swings open to finds a man running towards Peter in sunglasses and an expensive suit .

"What happened peter I told you not to get stabbed again and what do you do ?!??"


"Nevermind that aunt may can't pick you up and Friday alerted me of your vitals today your staying at the tower and your not coming to school tomorrow .
Come on were leaving ."
The man turns around to reveal the Tony STARK  .

Everybody starts to actually wonder if he knows spiderman but waIt is he talking about the Stark tower

When he leaves everybody starts to ask ned questions and shit  wether he knows him personally or is it for pity 


TONY STARK has been spotted at midtown high school piking up 15 year old peter Parker due to a stab wound

What is he hiding ?
Is that his child ?
Is he even fit for that position ?

Peter turns of the TV

"Ufffff I am going to have a horrible rest of the school year ."

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