Chapter Two: Blind Anger

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It's been a few days since the scout man brought the others and I to Korea to practice and get ready for our debut. So far we have been doing the same thing over and over again. Wake up, practice, plan, perfect, eat, sleep, repeat. Honestly the lack of something new to do has my nerves on end. I find myself stressed and angry more than half the time but I have to manage my temper for the team.

So far the girls and I have worked out the basic details of our group. Our group name is Starlight. We have 6 members (duh). We have decided to keep our positions and stage names that we used before. We live in an apartment close to the building. Our manager is Park Tayon but I just call him the Sushi man because he likes sushi even though sushi is Japanese.

Currently we are at dance practice Zulema and I are teaching the others since we are the best at dancing. The others are currently complaining that we are tyrants and are making the over practice for no reason. It seems that everyone in the group has a slight ego. As we were practicing Carol and Kandy accidentally bumped into each other and fell. I speed walked over to them to see if they were okay.

"Is everyone alright?" I asked in a cool voice as if I didn't care. Holding up the mask of the cool, calm, and collected leader in front of the Sushi man. Carol nodded and got up but Kandy said, "I think I sprained my ankle." Carol and I tried to help her up but she couldn't stand on her ankle. Heaving her up we carried her gently between us over to the edge of the room where there was a random chair laying there from the last time My Phong decided she didn't want to sit on the floor to rest. Gently we placed her down on the chair.

"Guys!" I said. The others turned to look at me. "Take a break. Carol take care of Kandy's ankle. Kandy don't push yourself to hard so that your ankle can heal quickly. I'm going to get us something to drink from the slushy store across the street." I announced. They all nodded.

I walked out into the hallway only now realizing that I don't completely know my way around this building. Great just great. I looked around helplessly for someone to ask for directions but just my luck the hallway was deserted. I walked around for a bit not really caring where I was going. I was lost in thought about the stress of the entire situation I was in. Around hallways, up and down stairs, and turning around many corners that I was now truly lost. Yet still I did not care. I just kept moving as if I ever stopped reality would overrun me. The more I walked the more my thoughts taunted me. The more that anger built up. Anger at not having enough time to debut. Anger at the scout for finding us. Anger for the fact that the other wanted this so much. Anger at myself for not being strong enough. Anger at the fact that Kandy was now injured even if it was nobody's fault in particular.

By now I wasn't watching where I was going as I speed walked around the building. There was nobody around to look out for anyway. Or at least that's what I thought until I banged my head real hard on something and toppled over. Landing even harder on my backside.

"OWWWWWWW! Who's idea was it to put a wall there." I whinnied in English to no one in particular because everyone here speaks Korean anyway.

Looking up I saw seven handsome men looking down at me in amusement. They looked really familiar. Wonder where I've seen them before. Hmmmm. My thoughts where then inturpted by their leader who said, "Are you okay? That's quite the fall you just had." I stared at him for a minute. That perfect English. Those dimples. That smile. Then it hit me OH. MY. GOD. I just ran into...

Eyes winding I quickly got to my feet, turned toward the guy I ran into and said in Korean (yes you and the rest of the group know Korean), "I am really sorry Hoseok oppa." I manage to say as my face burns really hot. Dang it. 'What happened to that mask huh Y/N?' the voice in my head says in a disapproving tone. I looked up to the other members looking SHOOK at the fast and sudden movement and apology.

Hobi being the first to get himself under control laughed at my reaction and said, "I'm fine but why are you racing around with your head down? You could have gotten hurt. Or ran into an actual wall." he said with a wink teasing me. His wink and teasing did not help my already red face as it got even hotter if that was even possible.

"I-I g-got l-l-lost?" I managed to stammer out. 'Stupid,' the voice in my head yelled, 'Why are you asking him?' Hobi on the other hand found it adorable that I was flustered and stammering so he decided to take you to the front door of the building so that you wouldn't run into anyone else.

When the guys finally brought me to the front of the building I turned toward them and bowed. "Thank you for your help oppas ... and Jungkook." I said. The other looked at you weirdly but Jimin was the one who whinnied, "Why does Junkookie get a special shout out?" I looked at them innocently and honestly said, "Because Jungkook doesn't like being called oppa so I didn't want to make him uncomfortable."

The all smiled at my explanation but their eyes still looked amused. 'What is it about me that amusses them so much,' I wondered. As I was making my way towards the door some one shouted, "Wait!" Turning around I saw Taehyung holding his hand out as if he were going to grab my wrist and stop me. I gave him a curious look in response. Taehyung gave his signature box smile and said, "You never told us your name."

"I don't see why you need to know it." I said back defiantly. I don't know why but I just felt like letting off some pressure and fighting with him seemed like the best way my brain could come up with.

Taehyung on the other had simply crossed his arms over his chest and pouted, "I don't think it's fair that you know our names but we don't know yours."

I stood there and stared at him pouting. Dang it my bias is so cute. This is an unfair fight. I oppened my mouth to snap something at him but all that came out was, "I'm L/N F/N." I can't believe it my mouth just betrayed me. Taehyung gave me another box smile and that's when the last of my self control snapped. Turning an extreme shade of red I turned around and sprinted out the front door of the building and all the way to the slushy shop.


Again I am sorry for the grammar and spelling mistakes. I would also like to say that no of the pictures I use are mine.

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