Chapter Fifteen: The Best Day Off

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Taehyung's POV

I woke up at 5:00 am about to get ready for practice. I stretch out on the bed and grab my phone from the bed stand. I look through my notifications and texts until I spot one from PD. It says the guys and I have the day off today. I smile tiredly and fall back into the bed. Yes. Sleep.

>>> Time Skip <<<

I wake up again to hear commotion taking over the dorm. Seems like the others have woken up to the good news of a day off too. I get up, shower, and get dressed. I walk down to the kitchen to see Jin and Yoongi in the kitchen making breakfast. Wait Yoongi is helping? I do a double check and surely enough Yoongi is smiling and helping Jin. Wow, I never thought I'd see a day when Yoongi would wake up before me on a day off and help out with making breakfast. I smile and turn toward the door that led into the living room. Where Jungkook and Jimin were playing video games and Hoseok and Namjoon were arguing about weather or not the wolf plushy is cuter than the bunny one.

Well looks like I woke up the latest today. I turn back to Jin and Yoongi and decide to help them for once. "Hey Hyungs. Do you need help with anything?" I asked.

They turn towards me in surprise. I smile at them. Earning a smile from Yoongi who nods and says, "Yah, Tae could you set the table?" he asked softly. Wow he must be in a good mood today if he is up and smiling.

"Sure Hyung." I reply and with that I start setting the table.

"So Tae, do you have any plans for the day?" asked Jin.

"No not really Hyung. How about you and the others?" I replied.

"Well Kooki, Jiminie, and I are going shopping, while Joon, Yoongs, and Hobi are going to play basketball and hang out at the park." Jin said.

"Oh," I said turning toward Yoongi, "Hyung do you think I could join you guys?" I asked.

"You want to join us and not go shopping for all your Gucci?" Yoongi asked teasingly.

"Yeah, Hyung. Is that okay?" I asked.

"Of course Tae." he said smiling.

"BREAKFAST'S READY!" shouted Jin while placing the pancakes on the table. Yoongi and I were both startled by the sudden outburst while the others just rushed in and took a seat cheerfully. Looks like they were hungry. We all sat down and ate our pancakes.

After we finished we decided to head out Jin, Jungkook, and Jimin took the car so Namjoon, Hoseok, Yoongi, and I went walking to the park.

"I can't wait to play!" Hoseok said dribbling the basketball as we walked.

"Hey save your energy for the match." Yoongi said to him.

"What match?" I asked.

"Did no one tell you?" asked Yoongi.

I shook my head.

"Well sense there is four of us we are gonna be playing two on two matches." Yoongi said simply.

We reached the park and decided to grab ourselves a court before anybody showed up and took it. We could have gone to play anywhere, but we like playing in the park the best. It was so nice to play outside sense we are usually locked inside. The best thing about the park though is that we can loose ourselves in the crowd. We can do what ever we want and no one will stare or judge. We can be us and no one will notice because we are just part of the crowd. A group of friends hanging out and playing.

"Okay let's decide on teams!" Yoongi said cheerfully. He really liked basketball.

"Yoongi is on my team!" Hoseok said even more cheerful than Yoongi. As Yoongi and Hoseok high-fived Namjoon and I turned towards each other.

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