I can sing-Because im a monster?!

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M:"What do you mean im not human? I am human, it obviously wasn't me who did all this. Maybe it has something to do with oh I don't know...THE NINE MONSTERS IN THE ROOM!" Kilo:"I can't deal with this right now I have to get the authorities to handle this. Nadia, AJ go home. The rest of you take Mari home im sure her parents have some explaining to do." JKTLCN:"Yes sir!" M:So they start leaving the cafeteria and Kristen pulls me with her. M:"What does my mom have to do with this?" N:"Well Mari if your really a monster like us, you can't be a monster for no reason." K:"Being a monster is usally genetic so you either got the gene from your mom or your dad." M:"I doubt that im a monster im sure that what happened in the cafeteria had something to do with one of you. Speaking of exactly what type of monsters are you." J:"Im a vampire." T:"Werewolf." C:"Mummy" L:"Werecat." N:"Water monster." K:"Ghost." M:"Omg...half of you are dead!" N:"Lol I guess so." M:"So wait, Nate you said your a water monster, did you mean sea monster?" N:"No im half salt water and half fresh water so I prefer water monster." M:"Oh ok, and Tyler when you growled at me that was because of the whole wolf thing?" T:"Yeah." M:"Wow I have alot of questions for you guys." (But the most important ones is for my mom)-M. M:So we finally arrive at my house after that long walk and I can see my moms car in the driveway. I unlock the front door and we all walk in on my mom playing angry birds at the kitchen counter. Mariah:" Mari what are you doing home so early? Hey guys." M:"We left early because I sung a song at school on a stage and now everyone is passed out! You wouldn't happen to know anything about that now would you mom?!" Mariah:"Omg did you hurt anyone Mari?" M:"No. Don't dodge the question mom do you know why everyone passed out!" Mariah:"...Yes but I don't think we should have this conversation in front of other people Mari." M:"Its fine their all monsters." Mariah:"You are?" M:"Yes they are now tell me why everyone passed out!" Mariah:"Its because your a...Usicalmay Airyfay!"

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