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Ever since my mom took my locks out i've been using magic like crazy. Everytime my mom teaches me a new spell I find some way to use it in my everday life. My mom is always saying to be careful, and to make sure no one sees but i've only known about my magic for a little over a month now and I have a lot of reality bending time to catch up on. Another cool thing is that the band (which is the cool name that my group of friends call themselves) showed me this magic tree they planted. The tree leads into this hi-tech undergroud bunker that they all built. Its gonna be their head quarters because they plan on forming their own sqaud and enlisting in the monasteriense exercitus. Its like the army for the monster world. All members go on secret covert missions in sqauds it sounds so cool. Only down side is new enlistees have to have seven or more people in a sqaud and without a seventh person they can't sign up and enter the academy. I want to join them but I would be no help I just started using magic and I still have alot to learn. But they did mention that the best time for them to sign up and enter the academy would be during spring break and hopefully by then I would know more then what I do now and I will be able to join them. But thats a long time from now, right now im focusing on how to get the refrigerator to stop singing opera music by the time mom gets home from the grocery store.

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