Chapter One: Blue Ballcap

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This morning was just like any other in Jungkook's studio apartment. He woke up to the sound of cars outside, and the room lit up due to not having any curtains. His room was messy, but he found that delightfully comfortable. After stretching a bit in his bed, Jungkook got up and headed to the bathroom to brush his teeth and fix his hair.

" Ew " He immediately said when he looked in the mirror.

Jungkook isn't very fond of his appearance, even though every man he has been with only talks about them. After brushing through his well slept on, dark brown, locks he brushed his teeth then headed onto the kitchen.

This is a ordinary, every day morning for a single Jungkook in his early twenties still living on his monthly check from his sweet mother. His short films and music producing just isn't getting the job done, financially that is.


Looking at the clock, it was still 9:27 A.M.

The mail usually didn't come until about noon and Yoongi was definitely still asleep with Hoseok.

Jungkook opened the door slowly, he was always a bit cautious because his building wasn't the safest. When the door was opened just enough for him to see he found no one there.

That's weird. He thought.

Right before he closed the door and latched it he noticed something. Something bright pink on the ground directly in front of his apartment. And it had his name on it.

He picked it up and inspected it.


Only Hobi called him that, but he would have texted right? Upon further inspection he realized it was a letter without a sender. So whomever wrote it dropped it off just now.


                               To: Ggukie

Please meet me at the café near your favorite park at noon today. I'll be wearing a navy blue baseball cap.

No way in hell he was about to go meet up with some stranger. For all he knew he was about to be kidnapped, or adultnapped.

As the day went on Jungkook could only think about the mysterious letter he received. Letting his anxiety get the best of him he decided to call Hoseok and ask for some advice.

"Hello?" Hoseok answered.

"Hobbiiii" Jungkook was bad at whining with him. He was desperate though.

"What is it Ggukie?"

"I think someone is stalking me. Or something"

"Stalking you?! WHO?"

"I don't know. Someone left a weird note at my door this morning."

"What'd it say?"

Jungkook explained to his friend what the letter had said and expressed his worries.

"Why don't you just go, hm? Since me and yoong's have been away i'm sure you've been lonely. I mean we are your only friends-"

"HEY. I have other friends.."

"Like who?!"

"Banana milk....."

"I'll pretend like you didn't just say that. Anyways, for all you know it could be a guy crushing on you. Go get em' bunny."

Hoseok hung up.

Jungkook sighed and threw the phone on the bed.

Then sighed again and went to go pick it up and checked the time.

11:07 a.m.

If he left now he could still make it. He decided if he got adultnapped he would just scream, bite, and run. I mean what if Hobi is right and it is a cute guy.

He could only hope.

Going to his closet to find a outfit for the potential date, he chose his go-to-fit. His favorite white button down, casual distressed jeans, and his timberland boots. Then for the finishing touch, spraying on his favorite perfume. Tease from Victoria Secret. Perfect.

12:03 p.m.

The letter said the café near my favorite park.. But where is she? Or hopefully he.

Jungkook looked everywhere but couldn't see anyone with a blue baseball cap on. He was starting to feel uneasy and was debating on just going home.

12:32 p.m.

After another glance, still nothing.

12:49 p.m.

" That's it. " Jungkook had mentally decided it was time to go home. I mean who is late to their own date or whatever this is anyways. They asked him. Not the other way around.

As he was walking out the door, he texted Yoongi.

12:51 p.m.


"Yoongi. If that was a joke you could hav- "

"Hey dude, watch it."

Jungkook's texting got interrupted by almost running into someone.

" Oh sorry! " Jungkook apologized then looked up.

What he saw literally made him freeze. His heart was pounding and and he couldn't move his eyes away.

It was a tall man with tan skin and perfect lips. He had beautifully shaped eyes, and the prettiest blonde hair. He was hands down the most beautiful man Jungkook had ever seen.

Then he took note of his outfit.

"Blue Ballcap." Jungkook whispered.

"Excus- Oh." The man stopped mid sentence. "Ggukie. Hi! I'm so glad you came. I'm sorry I was late I took a cab and there was a traffic. Ah, this is like a dream. Come on i'll buy your drink!"

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