Chapter Two

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"Knight! Stop it!" Iris yells, narrowing her eyes as she walks back towards the Rex, eyes narrowed as the Rex roars, knocking down the trees that they are trying to get through. She walks towards the Rex, her eyes narrowed, as he growls at her, teeth bared as he breaks down the trees that are around, before walking towards where the girl is, sniffing her before his head goes up, his eyes focused on a Stegosaur, growling as he goes to kill it.

"Knight!" Iris growls at the Rex, her eyes narrowed as he drags the Stego's carcass over to her, placing it down before her, looking like a proud puppy. Iris rolls her eyes, quickly taking the meat and hide off the carcass, placing it in the backpack that appears on her back as she pulls up her inventory status. She found this out a couple days after finding Knight. The gem on her wrist acts as a stat keeper. She has a new level. She quickly places it on her stamina as she walks towards Knight, whom also has a level up.

Apparently, everything on this island has the same level things. Knight's however, Iris has been pumping in his weight and stamina, as well as health, so he could get some things. She also has been working on a saddle for him, however for now, she needs to focus on surviving. She needs a base. She has seen some good spots for a base, however most of them aren't that good. She's aiming for some cliff like places, before she spots a cliff near the edge of the island. The cliffs have flat spaces and there are places that are full of materials.

Iris decides to make a wood base, and if she needs she will upgrade to a stone base. She likes that idea. She quickly starts to make a 5x6 base, before looking at the way the walls are. She could make a second story. She does. The house is now completed; however, she feels bad for Knight, whom has to stand out in the rain. So, she makes a garage that will allow him to stay dry if he wants. She doesn't give it a gate; however she gives it a door to the main base.

Iris' base has finally been completed, with spikes all around it and food troughs around for Knight to eat from, if he ever does. Its cleaner then having his food everywhere. She takes the food and places it in the troughs, before making him stay as she walks towards the river nearby to collect some fish without worrying about sharks. She quickly takes some food before she sees something. A brown beaver like thing with a black stripe down her back.

Iris goes to look at it, however it attacks her, causing her to punch it several times before she hits it over the head with a large piece of wood, causing it to fall unconscious. She looks at it as it starts to wake, apologising profoundly as she offers it some berries, however it snags the Rockarrot that's in her other hand that she's been nibbling on and starts to eat that. She offers it another as it takes it. Iris then makes a decision that will probably lead to her getting killed by Knight; She drags the beaver home.

The beaver, whom she places in her home where the door is that connects Knight's garage as she starts tending to its wounds. Before long, the beaver has healed as is bouncing off the walls, so she takes it outside. You see, Iris' base is surrounded by spikes, so nothing can get in or out. She has made a behemoth gate that allows Knight to get out if he needs. She looks at the Beaver as she knocks down a tree, before she drags the tree to Iris, looking for praise.

Iris smiles at the beaver, her eyes kind as she praises the beaver, taking the tree. The beaver's work of knocking down the tree helps, since you get nothing from when Knight knocks down one since he destroys them. She strokes the beaver's head as she names her Chocolate, as she has a black stripe down her back that reminds Iris of a chocolate bar. Chocolate is more of a cat like creature, really. She loves to stay inside and snuggle before the fire, allowing it to warm up her fur.

Iris secretly loves her. Chocolate may be annoying to get around since she's the size of a large dog, however she loves to be petted and loves to help around with wood collecting and helping with other things. Chocolate doesn't mind it when Iris accidently gives her meat instead of Rockarrots, however she always nudges Iris to make her give her Rockarrots.

Iris has started a Rockarrot farm, to give the Rockarrots to Chocolate, and to allow Chocolate to grab any whenever she wants as Chocolate seems to hate most berries. She doesn't hate all of them. Chocolate likes Stimberries, berries that dehydrate you, however she doesn't care. Iris always makes sure to have some on her, to allow Chocolate to have a treat. Chocolate loves it. Iris also has made a shower like thing using the pipes that she uses to water her crops to allow Chocolate to play in the water that collects under it, which is a large puddle that she has dug out.

It also makes a good spot for a drink for both Iris and the dinosaurs. She loves the taste of the sweet river water and often just takes a bit for cooking as she makes some meat stew. Iris loves it. She still misses her home, but she has a new home here, with a new family. Her home is finished and all she really needs now is a main riding dinosaur, however she will get that later.

For now, she just needs to figure out what the hell is going on and how to get off the island.

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