Happy Birthday! Get Up.

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I'm laying in bed sleeping, dreaming, until I'm awaken by the sound of a loud voice and someone jumping on me...


I open my eyes and see my 8 year old sister Auna jumping on my bed.


Auna: but it's your birthday and u gotta get up.

Me: okk give me like 2 hours to sleep then we can do this again.

Auna: what.?! 2 hours.? It's 12:30 pm how much sleep do u need.?!

Me: alot...I stayed up on the phone really late last night

Auna: how late.?

Me: til lyk 4 am

Auna: 4.?!?!?!?! WOW

Me: yeah I know and I'm still tired so let me go back to sleep.

I lay back down and put my pillow over my head to try to block out the noise.

Auna: come on get up

Me: ....

Auna: -___- MOM, TONYA WONT GET UP.!!

Me: ugh

My mom walked in singing.

Mom: Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Tonya...Haaaaaaaaaapy Birthday to you.! Come on girl get up why u still in bed.?!?!

Me: UGH.! Please mom I went to sleep really late last night can I get at least an hour to sleep.? Then I'll be up and hyped and everything.

Mom: nope, your gonna get up now.!

Me: nooooo I'm too tired

Mom: and who's fault is that.? You shouldn't have stayed up so late

Me: ugggggggghhhhhhhh

Mom: come on

Me: .....

Mom: ...okk well since u won't get up I guess I gotta make u

She pulls the cover off my bed and her and my sister both grab my feet and off the bed I go

Me: OW.!! :O why did u do that.?!

Auna: cause u wouldn't get up.!

Mom: but now your up :)

Me: u didn't have to pull me off the bed

Mom: well...

Auna laughed.

Me: what's so funny.?

She let out a small giggle.

Auna: nothin

Me: -________-

Mom: well ANYWAY now that your up, HAPPY BIRTHDAY.!! :D

Me: thank u lol

I get up and walk in the living room, my mom and Auna follow.

Mom: OMG I can't believe-

Me: HOLD UP did u just say "omg" lol

Mom: yeah. I can be cool

Me: well u if ur so cool u gotta stop sayin cool. Nobody says that anymore :P

Mom: okk well what do u want me to say then.? I'm sweet, flyy, off the hizook-

Me: ok u kno what NO stop.! Lol

Auna: hahaha wow mom, no lol

Mom: Haters

Me: oh my god

Mom: so ANYWAYS...I can't believe your 15...FIFTEEN.!!! The big ONE FIVE

Me: mom u say that every year. Last year it was the big ONE FOUR...ten years ago it was the big FIVE. Lol

Mom: lol well that's cause every year u get closer to being an adult and I can't imagine what it's gonna be like when u leave me.

Her eyes started to water.

Me: uh oh

Auna: here we go

Me: mom you'll always have me. I may not always be HERE but I'll always be here :)

Auna: huh.?

Mom: I hear u. Awww your just growing up so fast. My baby is 15.!!!!

Auna: OK I think we all get it she's 15

Me: haha

Mom: okay give me a hug

Me: really.?

Mom: come on

Me: lol

We group hug and it last for a few seconds. Then my phone went off, playin Uh Oh by Mindless Behavior. My sister started singing along.

Mom: girl u always gettin txt messages. What do y'all be tlkin about

Me: lol u jelly.?

Mom: of what.?

Me: cause I get more txts than u :P

Mom: ooooo yeah I'm soooooooo jealous, or "jelly"

Me: yeah I know haha

I go to my phone look at the text and it's my friend Raina.

(text convo)

Raina: HAPPY BIRFDAY.!!!!! :D

Me: birfday.?

Raina: lol yea :P

Me: lmao well okk then...but thanx.!

Raina: welcome :) :) so what u gonna do today.?

Me: idk I haven't asked my mom or anything

Raina: how u not gone know what u gone do.?

Me: idk

Raina: smh

Me: u mad.? Lol

Raina: -____- no :P

Me: :P but honestly idek what I wanna do.

Raina: well b4 u do anything I wanna come over n say Happy bday in person :P :D

Me: ohh well COME ON.!! Lol when u gone come.?

Raina: can I come now.?

Me: uh yeah but I gotta get dressed :P

Raina: lol okk Ima leave out in a min

Me: kk :)

(end of convo)

Me: mom rainas coming over in a minute-

Mom; okk aren't u gonna get dressed.?

Me: yea that's what I'm bout to do.

Mom: okk, listen, I gotta make an important phone call so u or auna don't come in my room. My door is gonna be closed so don't bother me ok.?

Me: okkk

Mom: okk auna.!

Auna: okk

Mom: alrite

(my thoughts)

I wonder what the call is about that's sooo important she doesn't wanna be bothered......well watever prolly just about her job or somethin, but I need to get dressed. (EOT)

I try to hurry and find somethin to wear before Raina gets here so I just grab a random outfit from my closet. I put on a green and white stripped flowing shirt with one side hanging off the shoulder, some Jean shorts and some green and white sandals. Then I go in the living room and watch tv with Auna while I'm waiting for Raina.

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