Good News

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My POV))

Me: WHAT.???

Lexi: WE...a-ARE GOIN ON T-T-T

Us; WHAT.?!?!


Us: (speechless) :O

Lexi: I SAID-

Me: I heard you, I think...did you just say we're goin on tour with MB.?

Lexi: YES

Me: ohh that's what I thought...WHAT.?!?!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN.?

Lexi: Princeton just told me Keisha is letting us go on tour with them.!!!!

Randi: WHAT.?!?! Wait Princeton.? He told u just now.?

Lexi: um yea

Me: How, we're not even with them.

Lexi: ohhhh um yeah see about that...I uh...I have his number

Randi: FORREAL.? Why he give u his number.?

Lexi: cause um......we're kinda...goin out (slight smile)


Lexi: yeah, I woulda told u guys but he told me not to tell cause it woulda caused some problems but I guess I couldn't get out of tellin you now.

Randi: woah woah wait so you and Princeton are DATING.?!?! WOAH.! When did this happen.?

Lexi: at the restaraunt

Me: OMG.!!! And he just texted you and told you we're goin on tour with them.?

Lexi: YEPP

Raina: NO WAY.!!! I don't believe you

Lexi: (shows her the text)


We all scream.

Me: this is...this is NOT happening. Is it just me or has life gotten 100 times better since yesterday.

Randi: I know my life has. OMG going on TOUR.?? AAHHH.!!! Hold on this isn't some kinda joke is it.?

Lexi: NO he told me we are...I hope he not jokin cause if he is then Ima be mad. And you know how I get when Im mad

Me: uh oh lol

Lexi: just sayin...but anyway I'm so happy now I get to be with him.!! I thought it was gonna be one of those long distance relationships

Me: awww well then I hope somethin good happens for me on this tour (thinkin about Prod)

Lexi: yeah like that kiss in the rain, yea I know what u thinkin lol

Me: yeeaaaaaaaahhhh :P

Randi: haha so wait doesn't Keisha gotta tlk to our moms about this. Idk if my mom would let me go on tour tho :/ but she have to...if she don't I'm sneakin away lol

Me: ritee. But I'm sure they'll let us. I mean they gotta let us go we can't miss this opportunity.

Raina: I knowww.!! OMG I'm so hyped now I won't sleep tonite.!!

Lexi: (yawn) I can I'm really tired now...I'm goin to bed.

Me: me too

Randi: so I guess Rain gone be the only one up (yawn)

Raina: naw Ima go to bed. And daydream lol or night dream...can you daydream at night.?

Me: hmm idk, let me dream on that. Goodnight

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