"Darling, stop."

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Prompt: "Write a scene that starts with the line, "Darling, stop."

"Darling, stop." Mrs. Koin grabbed Lukas by the hand. 

"No 'Mother', I'm not going to stop," Lukas said, "I am twenty years old, it's been twenty years! And you haven't mustered up the courage to tell me that I'm not your son?" Lukas scoffed and pulled his own hand back.

"You are my son Lukas!" Mrs. Koin yelled. "The woman who gave birth to you left you alone in that empty house beside us! You were the only thing besides old newspapers scattering the walls and cobwebs dangling in the corner! I heard you crying and I walked into that house where I found you lying there alone! She left you to die Lukas!" 

"I don't believe that!" Lukas yelled back, spit was gathering at the sides of his mouth, sweat was daring to drip off of his forehead, and tears threatening to escape his eyes. "She was probably coming back! But when she saw I was gone she left in panic! You made her think she was a terrible mother!"

"She was a terrible mother!" Karen Koin looked at Lukas. She saw the hurt in his eyes. Slowly it was spreading across his face. "She was a terrible mother," Karen whispered it this time, "I rarely saw her. Ever. One time I looked out the window and saw her and some guy," she said the word as if it were the name of her husband's killer, "and they walked inside. Later I saw him leave. I didn't him or her for months. When I was in my garden I did see her get into a random car, she was very pregnant.

"I never saw her come home, so I assumed maybe she had died at childbirth and the child was put in the foster care system. But I did see her one more time. Leaving and packing a truck full of furniture. But I never saw a baby. Until I heard one crying from the house. The truck had long driven off with the woman inside of it. I went inside the unlocked house and found you laying on the floor crying. You had no clothes on. I took you in and I raised you as my own son. So yes, Lukas, I am your mother, and you are my son." Karen straightened her posture and walked over to Lukas. "Those memories we share together, they are real, and they are there because some woman left you to die." 

Lukas stared at the floor, "I'm sorry," he whispered. Karen and Lukas embraced in a hug.

"I'm not," Karen whispered back.

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