Unlike Him pt.2

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Sorry it's kind of a cliff hanger but I plan on making a part 3!


I ran straight into the girls' locker room, thankfully finding total solitude in there. I leaned over the sink looking at myself in the mirror. I felt like I could throw up. My grip began tightening around the edge of the sink, turning my knuckles white, as I thought about how stupid I was to not make sure he was wearing a condom. If I was pregnant, this could potentially ruin both our lives. We would never get out of this godforsaken town. Of course I still loved Jughead, so my mind drifted to how he would never be able to become a writer like he wanted, because he will have to help take care of the baby. Wait- what if... what if he runs off. I could not blame him. I was the one who instigated what happened that night. I loved him, so I wanted him to be happy, and there was no way he would be happy stuck in Riverdale for the rest of his life with a child he doesn't want and a career he doesn't want, all because of a woman he clearly doesn't want.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the door to the locker room slamming open. I realized I was crying and quickly wiped off my tears before turning around to thankfully see Betty and Veronica. I didn't know what I would do without them. They noticed my tears and both gave me a hug.

"Is it what we think it is?" questioned Betty.

I shook my head yes. I felt like I couldn't talk, like I could barely think.

"You still need to take a test right?" Veronica asked making sure. "Hey it could be negative for all you know," she continued trying to lighten the mood.

Betty could sense that it still did not make me feel better and she was right. I had to know, until I did nothing would help.

"Why don't I run to the store and buy them and Ronnie can wait here with you," Betty said seemingly knowing just what I needed.

"Okay," I finally spoke up quietly.

With that Betty was out the door. Veronica noticed I started crying again, so she pulled me over to a bench. We both sat down, her holding me, while I let out my tears.

"You know, whatever happens Betty and I will be here for you," she soothed.

Truthfully I already knew that. Class will be starting in and few minutes and Betty willingly is going to miss it. If she did that for me I knew there was nothing she would not do. As for Veronica she was like a rock. She wouldn't care what anyone would say about me, she would still stick with me through it. But the problem was not that. It was the men in my life. Namely Jughead, Archie, and my dad. Jughead did not even want me, why would he want our child. He would never forgive me. As for Archie, well he would probably kill Jughead over it, or at least try to, being the overprotective brother he was. Then he would proceed to yell at my for the neck 50 years of my life. And my dad, well all he wanted was the best for Archie and me. This was clearly not the best, and not part of my life plan for at least another 10 years. I was his little girl; he always believed in me and trusted me to know what to do. I was going to break his heart and he would never forgive me either.

"I know you guys will be. You two are my best friends," I voiced my thoughts to Veronica. "The problem is Jughead, Archie, and my dad. They will never forgive me".

Veronica sighed, she knew it would be hard to get them to accept it, but they all loved her, even Jughead did, despite what he told her.

"They all love and care about you; they just want what's best for you. And this was not what they had in mind. But since they care for you they will eventually move and get over it. They won't be mad at you forever," Veronica finished, noticing that her words made my crying die down a little.

We stayed like, Veronica hugging me on the bench, until Betty came back.

Barging through the door she begins to speak, "I didn't know which ones were best so I got multiple ones".

As she dumped them on the counter I laughed. As little kids I don't think Betty or I ever pictured that we would be doing this first semester of our sophomore year of high school.

I ran and hugged her saying, "Thank you Betty. I'm going to go use these. Wait here for me".

They nodded as I grabbed the tests and ran off to the bathroom stalls that were situated off to the side of the girls' locker room.

After I was done I made my way out of the stalls and place the tests on the counter. Betty proceeded to set a timer on her phone. We all went to sit on the bench while we waited.

When the timer went off I could not make myself move to go check. Veronica looked at me and realized I had no intention of getting up. So instead she went to check.

After looking at them, she turned to me, with a straight face, and asked, "Are you ready to know?"

𝐒𝐔𝐒𝐈𝐄 𝐌𝐀𝐘, j.jonesWhere stories live. Discover now