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A/N I apologise for the large amount of time that I've taken away from updating. But I'm back now and I'm ready to rumble. Lmao ew. Anyway, enjoy.

Alsoooo, when something is in italics it means it is a thought and not something being said aloud.


Your eyes slowly and steadily opened before dramatically closing due to the drastic change of light peering through the curtains that you didn't close last night. You immediately raise your hand to your head to soothe the burning pain rising through your whole body.

You whipped your blanket off of yourself and jumped up with one thought on your mind- the bathroom.

The sound of your footsteps echoed throughout your apartment as you rushed towards your bathroom holding your mouth shut. You just manage to reach it before unclasping your hand away from your mouth and letting the contents of it out. After coughing and puking all of last nights mistakes up you pull the chain and let all of your alcoholic regrets drain away, before dragging yourself back to your bedroom.

You slouch onto your bed and grab your phone off of your dresser. After immediately turning down the brightness you checked your notifications.

Mostly messages from Jennie and the guys asking if you got home okay, but as you reached the bottom of your message notifications your jaw dropped and an instant ache of 'what the fuck did I do last night?' Rushed through your head.


Yoongi: Y/N, next time you're drunk please don't contact me I can't afford to get caught talking to you.

Is he serious??

He can't afford to be talking to me?



You: Well I formerly apologise Mr. Min, I didn't realise that I had caused such a bother to you last night, imagine how bad it could've been for you to be caught talking to a poor normie like me?, however it would be rather kind of you to delete my number and fuck off. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours.

You lock your phone and sigh.

"Ooh mr big shot yoongi" You muttered in a baby voice.

"Ahh fuck I need drugs" You winced before travelling to your medicine cabinet in search of a drug that could relieve your headache.

(A/N, don't do actual drugs bc they fuck you up mkay? Thanks bye)

You pull empty box after empty box out of your cupboard.

Fuck, looks like a trip to the store then.

After pulling on a pair of leggings and a hoodie that practically swallowed you, you grabbed your keys and headed to the store.

You didn't bother with hair or anything like that so you still looked like you had a family of birds living in your bun, but the only thing on your mind at that moment in time was getting there and back as quick as you could.

*After entering the store*

You reached the back of the shop only to realise that the medication that you needed was on the top shelf and you sure as hell weren't gonna reach it. You thought about asking the worker behind the counter for help but she looked as though she'd fight you if you interrupted her so you thought it was best not to.

After repeatedly jumping in a pathetic attempt to reach the shelf, you sighed and turned to leave.

"Hey, did you need a box of these?" A manly voice called from behind you.



Idk what to say.

But I hope you enjoyed?

Next chapter will be up soon, I've already started writing it so shouldn't be to long.


Old Friend // Min Yoongi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now