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You audibly sighed as you closed your door behind you. Back to reality now. You need to find a job. You need to convince your mother to let you stay in your own house and not move in with your brother.

Why did I even get fired anyway?, You thought.

You did everything right, even better than employees that had been there longer than you.

Ten minutes ago you were in such a good mood, sitting in the cafe with Chanyeol just having a geniunely good time.

Now you're here, contemplating life decisions.

*loud knock*

Your brother.

"Who is it?" You yelled.

"Min Yoongi" A voice from the other side of the door yelled back.

You open the door and immediatley punch the arm of the individual standing infront of you.

"Jokes like that aren't funny Jeongin" You scowled.

"Oh shush you knew it was me"  He smiled.

He stepped into your apartment and his eyes directed towards empty boxes of medicine all over the bench.

"What the fuck Y/N?! How many have you taken?" He raised his voice.

"Chill your shit dumbass they were just boxes from the cupboard i needed to go to the store for more" You laughed at the fact he was so gullible.

After making a cup of tea for you both, you sat on your sofa.

Your brother was younger than you, only by a year and a half, but his was still so much more successful. He had a good career, money and a lavish lifestyle. Always mum's favourite.

Whereas you?

You worked in a deadend pizza restaurant- not anymore, you could barely afford rent and your mum had nothing to be proud of about you.

"You moved house recently right?" You asked, trying to shift the awkward silence.

(A/N have y'all heard awkward silence by Stray Kids yet?, bc BOP)

"Yeah i live a few minutes away from my new job"


"Where do you work now?" A hint of spite in your question.

"JYP Entertainment, i started a few weeks ago" he looked at you "look Y/N i don't try to upset you when i tell you these things, i know thing have been hard for you recently"

"No it's fine, i'm proud of you, i just guess i was like you so that i wasn't known as the unsuccessful one." Slight jealousy in your voice, mostly sincerity.

"Come live with me, it'll be easier for you with rent and i can help you find a job and get back oo track" He smiled.

You didn't exactly have any other options, but you seemed so needy.

"I guess so, i really appreciate your help Jeongin, thanks a lot" You hugged him.


After Jeongin left you begin tidying up your apartment.

You then started packing. Both you and your brother had decided that sooner rather than later would be best.


Okaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, i'm sorry that was so bad lol i need to get back in the swing of updating.

But i hope it was good enough to read for now.

Thanks for reading my trash lol.


(not proof read)

Old Friend // Min Yoongi X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now