Chapter Six: Blood

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Obsidian rushed through the pamphlet, sighing; he'd'd enough magic for the day. Maybe the next year or two. He found his winglet.

IceWing: Flurry

MudWing: Quagmire

NightWing: Nebula

RainWing: Amethyst

SandWing: Obsidian

SeaWing: Serpent

SkyWing: Machete

A shadow flew past Obsidian. He jumped a little, then twisted around. Nobody was there.

"Hello?" he said, rather dully and relaxed. But he could feel cold sweat running down his face.

Someone stepped out of the shadows, and to his surprise, it wasn't a RainWing that emerged, or even a NightWing, but a SkyWing. The orange SkyWing growled under his throat.

"You are...?" Obsidian said, raising his eyebrows. Even though he always thought he was quite unlikeable (and reminded of it often), someone couldn't have hated him from the immediate. 

"This wasn't a misunderstanding," the SkyWing growled in return. "I will say my name if you tell me yours first."

"Just for a warning," Obsidian rolled his black eyes, "you don't seem like the type who could take on an Animus SandWing-NightWing." He scrutinized the lean SkyWing, squinting his eyes comically. "Machete."

The SkyWing barked a mirthless laugh. "Ha ha! Verrrrrrrry funny!"

"Obsidian," said Obsidian, ignoring his comment. "Now yours."

"You literally said my name earlier," Machete said with impatient creases in his face. "MACHETE."

"Confirmation, I suppose," replied Obsidian, shrugging. "I've been getting a lot of untrusting looks lately."

"Mhm," Machete tilted his head. "Oh! There are the others."

A NightWing, SeaWing, and RainWing walked into the room.

The SeaWing tilted his head conspicuously and stared at the two in the cave already.

"When'd you arrive, Machete?" inquired the RainWing. "I've been getting cold these two beside me," she mock-shuddered and the NightWing and SeaWing smiled.

They all seemed to be friends.

"Where do you guys know each other from?" Obsidian asked. 

"Oh," the RainWing's scales shimmered a lime green. "I'd rather not talk about it, but since you asked, we're orphans, and we were raised in an orphanage in the Sand Kingdom." She plucked several strawberries from her pouch and threw them into her mouth.

"Ah," Obsidian said, sadly. He didn't have too many friends, if any at all. Nobody trusted him, not even Mom and Dad. He would change his attitude towards them if they changed their hearts. 

"You seem sad," said the NightWing softly. She folded her wings in and said, "Name's Nebula, what's yours?"

"Obsidian," he said. "Why are we asking each other our names?" he blurted. "Didn't we all read the pamphlets?"

The RainWing stared up from her pouch, and the others glared at him in confusion.

"Oh," he said, rubbing his forehead. They already knew each other. Awkward. "Sorry. I'm just tense right now."

They nodded their heads, and started to talk to each other, but none included Obsidian in any way, only an occasional glare directed at him clearly saying "Why are you still here?"

Obsidian dropped his head. He went to his rocky ledge and took his blanket out. He covered himself with the blanket. The SeaWing, namely Serpent, was talking with them, but he occasionally looked empathetically at Obsidian. 

That was before he noticed that the dark blue NightWing was not anywhere near the circle. 

The IceWing and MudWing hadn't arrived yet, either.

"Hi!" said a voice from behind Obsidian, making his heart pound. He scrambled up, but only in vain as he fell off of his ledge and onto a sharp rock.

He closed his eyes. He could be impaled. But instead, he only scraped the edge.

He yelled, but covered his mouth. He pulled it the edge out from under his thick scales. He winced and drew in a sharp breath.

The IceWing above him clapped his talons to his mouth. "I'm so sorry!" he said. "If you want, I can heal that for you."

He jumped off of the ledge and touched his claws to Obsidian's wound.

Obsidian felt the wound freeze up, then warm up and back to normal. He felt the skin underneath the scales and felt no more warm, trickling of blood.

"Sorry about the others," he said. He pulled his tail next to him and whipped it with a sudden and loud crack. "M'name's Flurry. I'm the son of Prince Winter and Lynx," he added proudly, pulling his head upward. "Just kidding," he said, lowering his head. "I'm...not like the others, my dad says. I'm not as 'proud and pompous' as he said he was once."

"My dad would wonder what he is now," Obsidian joked. Flurry barked a laugh. "Heh. My dad's made jokes about yours, so I'm guessing they weren't exactly the best of friends, but still close enough to joked about each other."

Obsidian caught his first word, "He--" when a loud and spine-shivering shriek erupted from nowhere.

"Uh oh," Flurry said, tapping his claws together. "That can't mean anything good, can it?"

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