Chapter 3 (The vision)

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(note: this chapter WILL be longer.)

Dawnpaw, the Clan's newest apprentice, had just received her apprentice name. Her littermates, Goldpaw and Stormpaw, looked on with her proudly as the Clan chanted their new names. That day, Snowlight, Briarshine, and Spiderbush had been named warriors. There was also three new kits in the nursery: Flamekit, Lionkit, and Amberkit. Apart from the kits other littermate, Whitekit, dying, SunClan had had a problem free new-leaf. "Dawnpaw, I have to show you the territory! Or did you forget you're an apprentice now?" Larkpool, Dawnpaw's new mentor, was calling for her! "Sorry Larkpool." Dawnpaw meowed. "Its fine now, but next time, remember, okay?" Dawnpaw nodded. She hated being talked to like a kit. They set off out of camp. Larkpool began a boring lecure that Dawnpaw zoned out of. Suddenly, Dawnpaw began to feel dizzy. She tried to stop herself from falling, but everything was moving so slowly....


Dawnpaw was back in camp. She was in the medicine den. Maybe Larkpool took her to find Greenstalk or Bluewing! But the den was empty. She tried to yowl for them, but she remained silent for some reason. Why couldn't she speak? Was her jaw okay? Suddenly, a cat walked into the den. Thank StarClan!, she thought, but then she realized the she-cat didn't look like any cat in her Clan. Then Dawnpaw realized that she bore a strong resemblance to.......Rosepaw! But she looked much older. Was she seeing the future? "Don't worry," meowed the gray cat." It'll be over soon, Dawnstar." Why was the cat calling her Dawnstar? Her brother was going to be the next leader! Was her brother dead in this timeline? Besides, the leader's first born son (or his first born daughter's mate) become's leader next. What was going on? Suddenly, a voice yowled," Dawnpaw! Wake up!".................

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