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Emma's POV

The sound of my alarm fills the room and pulls me awake, i sit up and rub my eyes. i unlock my phone, and the time read 10:30 "fuck!" i jump up realizing im gonna be late, again.

I slip on a simple yet cute plain gray t-shirt and i paired it with ripped jean shorts and checkered vans. I look at my apperance in the mirror and frown, i tuck my shirt in and shrug at the little difference it made. I rip my bag off of the chair it hung from, i checked and made sure all my camera equipment was in it and i sprinted to my car.

After i got coffee, i drove to the venue in LA, today i was taking pictures for two bands, Chase Atlantic and Sleeping With Sirens. I had never heard of Chase Atlantic but i knew a little of SWS music, i guess im a bit emo inside, i don't really have a specific "genre" i listen too.

I get to park in a special section so i don't have to walk so far, thank the gods for that. I pull my badge over my head and wave it at security as i walk in. I've been to this venue one other time and its so big im still not familiar with it. Rebecca, the venue owner, was friends with my mom and she saw my work, and invited me to do a show a couple of years ago and now im back. i walked into the big open space admiring all of the room, i quietly groan when i see the long steep stairs ill be using all night, yay. "little Emma?!" a voice questions from behind. Before i can turn fully around im embraced in a pair of small arms. "Rebecca" i question the figure hugging me. "yes its me, do you remember" The woman had short bright blonde hair, it fit well with her smooth tan skin, she looked very young, i tossed around the 'how old are you' question for a second until deciding against asking.

"of course it wasn't THAT long ago" i chuckle.

"yeah yeah i know, anyways how are you"

"good ive been working a lot"

"well you are a good photographer" she nudges my shoulder "why don't i show you around, you look a little lost" she put her hand on my lower back and lead me to what i think is back stage.

We walk into a big room with many, many, people. "So this is where the crew and the bands can relax and stay before they go on" Rebecca waves at a group of boys to come here. "Emma this is Chase Atlantic, boys this is Emma the photographer" i admired all of there pretty faces, but one of them stuck out to me. He had these cute little braids that framed his chiseled pale face. "so would it be okay if Emma got a picture of you guys" i got pulled out of my thoughts when a hand was placed on the small of my back. The one with the long blonde hair whispered to me "make me look good". The color rushed to my cheeks as i was setting up to take the photo.


After Rebecca showed me around she let me go on my own so i could find the good spots. The doors open and people started flooding in, filling in all the spaces in the big venue. I decided to go back stage and get some shots of the bands getting ready for the show. "hey Emma right" A man, with an Australian accent towers over me. "u-uh yeah, that's me" i stutter. "Im Clinton, we met earlier"

"oh i remember you!"

"You look a little lost"

"heh yeah, i was gonna come back here and take pictures but there are so many people" i chuckle and pull a piece of hair behind my ear. "can i get a few shots of you" i awkwardly ask. He shoots me a small smile and nods, "of course". after getting a few shots of him the one with the braids ran over stealing the spotlight "yoooo i want in on this" i laugh as he does a few poses. "Im Mitchel by the way" he winks at me posing again. "guys we are about to go on" the short older one yelled at them from behind a curtain. "shit" i grab my things and run a couple of steps before being stopped, "ill see you later emma" Mitchel places a piece of paper in my hands and runs over to the rest of the band. I glance at the paper and it has a phone number on it and theres a little note that read 'Call me'.


Sleeping with sirens was playing there last song of the night called "If You Cant Hang" as i was walking around i was kind of bopping my head to the song. "Nice moves" a voice chuckles from the side of the stage. It was the blonde one, "heh thanks i guess?" i question. "im Christian" he sticks his hand out for me to shake it.

"you coming to the after party" he questions.

"Um i don't thinks so, im not very much of partier"

"Why not it will be fun, ill make sure you have fun"

"mmhmm and where is this party held" i place my hand on my hip.

"At our house, there'll be lots of other people there"


"Yeah, me, Mitchel, Clinton, Pat, and Jesse, you haven't met them yet but Pat is our Basset and Jesse is our drummer." "Ill think about it" i smile at him and walk back to get the last shots of the night


As i was walking to my car my name gets called for the like 100th time today, and this time its Mitchel. "hey....party...tonight" he manages to breathe out after running to my car. "yeah Christian told me" i chuckle at him.

"so are you coming" he says still out of breath.

"well im not exactly in party attire" i point at my plain boring outfit.

"You look amazing, you don't need to change" his crystal blue eyes are laid on my brown ones and it feels like hes staring into my soul. "I guess ill go" i sigh. "You wont regret it" he brushes his hand down my arm then takes off back the direction he came from. What could go wrong, right?

Hey guys this is my first fan fiction so im sorry its kinda messy. writing is something i never shared with anyone so i hope you guys like it.

It Started With A Photo | Mitchel CaveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant