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Emma's POV
Our lips parted, and we stared at each other for a couple of seconds until looking back at Angeline, who still had a look of disbelief wiped on her face. "Was that good enough for you bitch" i blurt out putting my hand on my hip. "Damn feisty one, but I don't know, you looked kind of surprised at that kiss" she pondered in her mind for a minute then shrugged. "See ya later Mit" she winked and walk past us brushing my shoulder. "Hey are you okay, I need to talk to you" i ask. "Nothing i'm fine" he said with a straight angry face, he turned to walk away but i grabbed his wrist and turned him around. "Emma i don't have time for this!" he yelled. "You're not gonna run from this, i'm not gonna let you" i say calmly. "Oh yeah and what are you gonna do huh? beat me up?" he chuckled and turned away for good this time. I sighed and tried not to get upset, and i tried to understand what he's going through. "It's not you doll, it's her, she changes him" Jesse said from behind me, i turn to face him and he noticed my sad eyes "hey! you want ice cream, ice cream makes everything better" he playfully chuckled. I nodded, he grabbed my hand and lead me to a food truck.


The event was coming to an end and everyone was walking out the gate, I usually spend this time with Mitchel, we run around and play in the empty venue, but since he wasn't with me today i decided to help everyone clean up.

I was picking up some bottles and cans on the way to the buses when i heard this bang noice, out of curiosity i looked to see what it was. I followed the noise and what i found was something that broke my heart. Mitchel had Angeline pinned up against a bus and his lips were traveling down her neck. A gasp accidently escaped my lips causing both of there heads to swing my way. Mitchel's gaze was again something i couldn't describe, i was frozen, my heart in pieces even though it shouldn't be, it is. "Um do you need something" Angeline breaks the silence, while still being in Mitchel grasp. "N-no im sorry" i turned and darted away as fast as i could.


I woke up after only being asleep for a couple of hours, my emotions being everywhere didn't help my sleep. I was mad at myself for crushing on him so hard, and mad at him for leading me on and kissing me and then kissing her, i was just so angry i couldn't be sad. I check my phone and i had a couple messages from Christian.


C- i heard what happed

C- Shes gonna be joining the tour now, Kevin's letting her since they're dating again

C- are you okay? please answer.

My blood boils at the fact that shes gonna be with us on the tour, I close my phone and i try to forget about it. I finally pull myself up and to the bathroom. I splashed cold water in my face in an attempt to wake myself up, but it didn't work very well. My head haunted its self with those questions every girls asks herself when something like this happens, 'why me?' 'why am i not?' am i not good enough, pretty enough, funny enough?' Jordan knocked on the door "Hey i heard about what happened, do you wanna talk about it". "Does everyone fucking know" i say swinging the door open and walking past her.

"Well, a lot of people saw them and they made a lot of noise.." she said shyly

"They fucked each other?!" i blurt out shocking my self and everyone in the bus with my words. "Im sorry, i know you cared for him" she says opening her arms embracing me in a hug. i snug my head in the crook of her neck and i sigh, "Im not gonna cry about someone that wasn't even mine to begin with" i state.

"That's the spirt!" she excites as she grasps my shoulders, "you know what, forget him, me and you are gonna have a great day, no boys at all, not even Kevin" she laughs and i laugh along. I nod my head and i got dressed for the day. I got Jordan to French braid my hair and I threw on a cute crimson red bralette, some jeans shorts and my black converse.

"Okay i see you lookin all cute n shit, do a spin!" Jordan says with filming a video for Instagram. I giggle and spin around posing.


The  sun was beaming down on us while we were taking pictures for As It Is' set. I felt Clinton staring at me from behind the stage gate, but i didn't let my self look back at him. "Oh hi Mitchel's 'girlfriend'" i hear that piercing voice from behind me, its Angeline,  "Oh wait that's me" She giggled as i turned to face her. I saw Mitchel in my peripheral join next to Clinton and stare at me and Angeline. "Did you need something" i snap back looking her up and down. "Yeah take a good look, this is what Mit likes" she got a little closer to my face, and people around us started to notice our hostile looks toward each other. "Well if 'Mit'" i air quoted "likes skanky whores than good for him, now, I don't see a photographer pass around your neck so get out of the photography area or ill drag you out" i sent her a smile, i looked at the cave brothers whos jaws were now on the floor, i rolled my eyes and continued taking photos.

"Dude that was badass" Jordan yelled over the music and nudged my shoulder causing a giggle to escape my lips.


The rest of the day went pretty smooth, me and Jordan got food, twice, and took some bomb ass Instagram photos, and Mitchel kinda just left my mind for the day. But as night crept around that's when my thoughts were the loudest, and i hated it. Ever since my dad died ive always had trouble falling asleep when i have things on my mind. Mitchel was the only one ive told about my dad, except my old school friends and my best friend, who lives in Houston, her names Maria, We've been friends since i was fourteen.

There was a knock at our bus door and everyone was busy so i got the door. Christian was standing outside holding his hands nervously and he looked like he had a lot on his mind. "Can you talk" he looks up at me with teary eyes. i nod and slip on some sandals following him outside.

We walked around the parking lot in silence, looking at the sunset every once in a while "Im scared" he sighs as if he was holding that in. "Mitchel's my best friend, like a brother to me, and i don't think i can see him go through....that.... again" he stopped and turned to me. "And i know you don't care right now but i needed someone to talk about this with" he rubbed his eyes trying to fight back the tears. I placed my hand on the back of his neck and pulled his head down to my shoulder, then wrapped my arms around his neck, and his fell around my waist. i heard his soft sobs into my shoulder and played with his hair between my fingers trying to calm him down. He backed away "I don't think ive ever cried in front of a girl before" he smiled and i giggled, he wiped his tears and straightened his shirt. "EVERYONE IN YOUR BUSSES, WE LEAVE IN 5 MINUTES" Kevin yelled at the remaining people outside. "Thank you for being there for me em, your a great girl, Mitchel will realize that" he gently placed his right hand on the back of my head and pulled it to his lips, kissing me on the forehead. he shot me a smile and i linked arms with him as we walked back to our busses, I loved Christians presence, hes like another best friend to me.

this might be my longest chapter <3 hope yall enjoyed, please vote!! it inspires me to write more!

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