5 / a closeted poet of sorts

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slight trigger warning (panic attacks)

Tae's PV

    Kookie had a really weird look on his face on the ride back from the concert venue, like he was trying to focus on something but couldn't fully grasp it. I frowned. What was going on in that cute little coconut head of his?

    "Yo, we're back! I can finally sleep!" Yoongi hooted from the front seat as we pulled up next to our complex. He jumped out of the car before it came to a stop, ignoring the annoyed glare from the driver, and darted up the steps into the foyer.

    Hoseok laughed from behind him. "No matter how many times the driver yells at him, he still does it," he muttered, following him inside. The rest of us joined them when the car finally did brake, and since I was the last one out, I slipped some won to the driver, who smiled gratefully in thanks.

    "Goodnight, all," Kook called sleepily as he trudged up the stairs in the general direction of his room, ignoring how the elevators were only a few paces to the right. He seemed tired suddenly — almost too suddenly.

    "Already?" Jin asked, looking concerned. "You never go to bed this early!"

    "I guess there's a first time for everything," he retorted over his shoulder, letting his door slam.

    "Okay, does everyone else agree that something weird is going on with him?" Jimin asked, jabbing his thumb toward the stairs.

    "No shit," Yoongi jabbed, only to receive a harsh flick on the side of the head from Jin.

    Joon nodded, grabbing Jin's hand so he couldn't flick Yoongi again. "I don't know what though. He's only like this when something is really bothering him. Like that one time he got those particularly awful hate messages a couple weeks before our concert? He didn't dance or eat for a week, and we had to make up excuses as to where he was."

    "I could make him that pork and ramen soup he loves," Jin perked up from beside Namjoon, smiling a little. "That usually cheers him up, right?"

    Joonie ruffled his hair, grinning down at him. "Let's go do that, okay?"

    "Okay," Jin returned quietly, sliding his arm around Joon's torso and tiptoeing to peck his cheek as he went with him to the elevators to go up.

    "We're coming, too!" Hoseok said, running after them, somehow still in possession of an insane amount of energy. "I'm not refusing a midnight snack that BigHit doesn't know about."

    "Me neither," Yoongi agreed. "Jiminie, you coming?"

    Next to me, Chim hesitated. "Yeah, in a second."

    "Okay, don't take too long!" And with a whir and several loud beeping noises, they were gone, leaving us behind.

    "Tae, can I ask you something?" he piped up nervously, pinching the fabric of his silky button-up between his thumb and index finger.

    I went and sat in one of the chairs near the stairs where Jungkook had previously left, embracing the plushiness of the material on my sore body like the warm throw blankets my grandma used to knit for me every birthday. "Of course, Chim. What's up?"

    He gulped, looking everywhere but in my eyes. "D-do you have a drawing yet?"

    I was extremely taken aback. The subject was tense for all of us, as people our age were already getting drawings, but because of the hectic chaos that is our lives, we didn't really have time to date or look for our soulmates. "Woah, you mean, like, a soulmate drawing?"

Flowers From My Poet // jjk + kthWhere stories live. Discover now