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Then 10months ago:

Her throat burns as she chugs down the remaining liquid left in her glass. Every sip, every drink was an attempt to forget. To not only forget the night but to forget the past nineteen years. She catches her reflection in the bottom of the glass, rugged brown hair, smeared mascara down her face and eyes full of pain and sadness. And the words may as well be printed on the bottom of the glass considering she can't get them out of her head;

'Not good enough'

She struggles to lift her hand but manages to call over the bartender for another drink, she isn't too sure what she's drinking at this point she just knows that she can't stop. Not yet. Hopefully, something stronger will be given to her this time, whatever she's drinking now sure as hell isn't doing the job right.

As the blonde bartender makes her way over to Carrie, she shows a little bit more annoyance and concern than she did the last time she came around. It has been at least two minutes since downing the last drink, surely she isn't too mad; after all, Carrie is giving her money so what is she complaining about?

"Haven't you had enough to drink?" The blond says as she makes her way over to where Carrie sits at the bench. The bartender places the cloth she has been using to clean the glasses on the bench and gives Carrie all her attention.

"You would think so but whatever this shit is-" Carrie waves her glass in the air; "It isn't working." The moment she lifted that glass to show how empty it is, she felt the loss of control over actions, the slur in her voice is even more evident when she asks the bartender for something stronger, who just nods in acknowledgement as she turns her back to Carrie.

"Rough night?" The bartender question, handing Carrie her drink; something different this time.

Carrie wondering what would've given it away, what shows everyone around her; 'I'm not here for a good time, I'm here because of a bad time'. Then she remembers that it's a Tuesday night and besides herself, there are three other men and who will most likely be here again tomorrow, the minute the bar opens, blowing every cent that they have. Fucking pricks

"I guess you could say that." Carrie retorts, lowering her head ever so slightly, attempting to become unapproachable, encouraging the bartender to go back to cleaning glasses rather than asking more questions.

The level she has her eyes currently allows her to notice that the bartender is slightly leaning on the bench in front of Carrie, revealing a fair bit of cleavage. Carrie could help but appreciate the view of the tall blonde in the black shirt.

"You know, I've heard some rumours that bartenders are good people to drunkenly spill all your problems to." She advises. "The best thing about that arrangement is you won't remember in the morning."

'That's the problem, I always remember'

"As tempting as that offer sounds, I don't even know the bartender's name?" Carrie seductively encourages, tapping her chin as she slowly leans forward onto her side of the bench. Attempting to get closer to the girl on the other side.

The bartender doesn't seem phased by this and by the slight smile creeping onto her lips, it's as if she is enjoying this back and forth flirtation.

"The name's Lucy." Lucy finally gives out.

"Well Lucy, I have also heard a different rumour about what bartenders are good at." Carrie slightly licks her lips as she looks up from the eyes to the lips of the bartender in front of her, slightly biting her own. "The name is Carrie in case you were wondering." Carrie slightly leans back onto her bar stool and takes a mouthful of the drink Lucy made for her earlier. 'Woah' Lucy definitely made this one stronger.

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