Chapter 1

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Maggie Hayward and Ronald Weasley Spotted Kissing, Where Is Draco And Hermione?

Maggie Hayward, big time model and known to be dating Draco Malfoy (owner of The Golden Snitch) was seen kissing Ronald Weasly, war vet and fiancé to Hermione Granger, the fellow war vet, both are best mates to Harry Potter. Ron and Hermione were supposed to be married in two weeks, what happened? Maggie has been dating Malfoy for 1 month, and now has cheated on him. We have reason to believe that they have been dating many weeks. But the real question is not how long, but why? Hermione and Ron have been the idol couple for many years now, what happened to the dream couple? How will Draco and Hermione react?

At the bottom of the page was a picture of Maggie and Weasel lip locked.

I was mad, mad that Maggie had stooped as low as my father and betrayed my trust. How dare she humiliate me like this!But something inside me stirred when I thought of Ron. I hated him for taking my girlfriend, but I was more mad at him for doing this to Hermione. Poor Hermione! She has liked Weasel since 4th year, and has always dreamed of marrying him, and now he ruined everything for her.

"Oh," I said, looking up at Abby who was still standing there. "Go back to work, tell everyone I am taking the day off for the rest of the day."

Abby left the room and I stood up from my desk and looked out the window. I called my owl down and wrote a letter to my friend that worked at the Ministry, Blaise.

I need to talk right away -D.M.

I sent the owl and waited for the reply. I wasn't to far from the Ministry, so my owl would get to him within 20 minutes. I went upstairs to the small apartment I had above the shop. I didn't live here, but it was convenient for long business hours or if I needed a change of clothing, like I did now. I changed out of my work clothes and into my nicer clothes that I wore when I was meeting someone special, like my good man Blaise.

I went back down the stairs and saw my owl was back on it's perch with Blaise's reply. I untied the reply from it's leg and read it quickly.

Come right over -Blaise

I was in Blasie's office within 10 minutes. He was sitting with his feet up on his desk. I slammed Witch Weekly on his deck, open with the page with the article. Blaise picked it up and read it quickly.

"Oh, Draco," Blaise shook his read.

"I know, I can't believe she would do this," I sighed and sat down in the chair that was placed facing him.

"But looking at Maggie's history, this was predictable," Blaise set the magazine down. "How many guys has she cheated on, five?"

"Seven," I corrected him.

"What are you going to do about it?" Blaise asked, taking his feet off the table and folding his hand on top of the wood.

"I am going to go have a talk with Hermione Granger," I said smiling.

"About time, you've like her forever." Blaise was the only one in the world who knew about my secret.

"But now she won't be with Weasel King," I pointed out.

"She defiantly won't like you if you keep calling her ex-fiance a Weasel," Blaise coached me.

"Right," I said and took a mental note.

"Her office is on the third floor, but I think you should talk with Harry first," Blaise said, make sure you guys are cool before you go off with Hermione."

"Potter?" I asked Blaise. "Since when have you called Potter Harry?"

"Since I started working with him 2 years ago," Blaise said. "Harry has tracked some people down for me."

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