Chapter 2

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I didn't want to seem to eager to talk to Hermione again, I needed to play it cool. I need a plan on to spend time with her. I knew that she still loves the Weasel, and wants him back(for some odd reason I don't know) so I could offer to help with that. Or I could could offer payback on Ron and Maggie for humiliation. Either way, Hermione Granger would slowly fall for me.

Every once in a while I like to work the cash register, get to know my customers, ask them questions. I was shocked to see my school peers from back in the day, Dean and Seamus.

"How may I help you?" I asked them.

"Draco Malfoy?" asked Dean. "You work here?"

"I own the place," I say proudly.

"We are just ordering some robes," Seamus said, handing me a list.

"You coaching?" I asked them.

"Dean is, I'm not," said Seamus. "I am more of a ref."

"That's still really cool," I said.

"Yeah, I coach the home schooled kids," Dean told me, "there is this whole society type of thing for the home schooled wizards across London, they gather, play sports and everything."

"That's great," I said. "My parents wanted me to be home schooled at first but I convinced them not to, I wanted to go to a real school."

"It is fun and all, but I haven't been able to do it for a while," Seamus looked stressed. "Pavarti is due any day now and I haven't got a steady job."

"You married Patil?" I asked, scanning his list for mistakes.

"Yeah, dated in school, and married about a year ago."

"What about you, Dean? Got a girl?" I asked.

"Yeah, her name is Debra Brown, Lavender's sister."

"I didn't know she had a sister," I said.

"She didn't know either, until 5 years ago when Debra showed up at their door step, but they are sisters, half sisters," Dean said. "Asked her out bout a month ago."

"You have a girl?" Seamus asked me.

"No, just broke up," I said.

"I heard about that, Ron cheated on Hermione for some girl that everyone was saying was your girlfriend," Dean said. "I didn't believe it, Ron would never do that."

"Yeah, people been sayin' that he is sick or somethin', " Seamus said.

"Well, as far as I know, they are dating now," I said. I haven't talked to Maggie.

"Really?" said Dean shocked. "He loves Hermione!"

"Well, I guess he got bored or something," I said. "Seamus, what are you expecting?"

"I don't want to know the sex of my baby," Seamus grinned, "I'm bein' old fashioned."

"Does Parvati know?" I asked.

"Sure does, she swore not to tell be 'till it's out," Seamus told me. "I'm kinda scared to know, it will seem too real."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, once my baby is out, it's times up. I can't find a stable job, how am I suppose to be a dad."

"Oh, I see, " I said. "You could always get a job here."

"You sure?" asked Dean. "There's a lot of wood, its flammable..."

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing," Dean said quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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