Chapter 3

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A half chapter for Punkish because he needs to explain his life as well even though we all already have a good guess of how it is

Chapter 2.5

Don't cry don't cry don't cry! Hold it in, hold it in! Covering my mouth tightly as possible with my hands, tears breaking out from my eyes, my voice cracking with every inhale I take and shaking an exhale, it was getting hot. The cabinet I'm in is getting stuffy, making it hard to breathe.
"Come out come out wherever you are~!" The clanking of his footsteps are coming closer, slowly closer. "O-oh *hic* Punkish deeear, c-come out to your daddy's a- *hic* arms."

Clank, clank, clank, halt.

"A-ahh!" Clenching my eyes, I bite my hand to keep me from doing any noise, any movement. Hugging my legs tightly, I lower my face in between, not wanting to see or think of anything.
This'll soon be over, he'll pass out by how drunk he is, I'll run to my room and lock the door, easy. Easier said than done.
"Puuunki- *hic* shhhhhhh, come out nooooowww~. Your daddy wants to seeeeee youumn!"

Clank, clank, clank, clank

I cover my ears, pressing my hands hard against my head. I don't want to hear a single thing that old prune says to me! Shaking my head side to side, letting some time pass before opening up again.
"Hmn?" I don't hear anything, not one hic, not one word, not one step. Did he go off to his room already? Did he passout dead? Should I? I shouldn't. It'll just be a peep.
Inhaling deeply I try to get courage, either thinking if this is a good idea or bad, but it'll be quick. Slowly shifting around to sit on my knees, I scoot close to the cabinet door, my hand softly brushing it.
Just peek, look, run. Peek look run, peek look run.
I gently push the small door open, exposing myself to the dangers this crazy man I call my "father" does to me, risking getting caught in my hiding spot. I slowly stick my head out, looking to my right, the living room, looking to my left, the continuation of the kitchen cabinets. The living room is dark, only the night lamp giving off a dim light, making the whole area dark like as if I were in a horror movie.
Okay, the coast looks clear, he doesn't seem to be anywhere here. Just take the chance! I lay my hands down on the cold marble floor, looking down seeing my own reflection, my frightened face. Pulling myself out from the tight cabinet space, I slowly rest my knee on the floor, the other following. Looking around carefully, I sit up on my knees, quickly yet gently closing the cabinet door. I stand up looking around, I being the only in spotlight from the kitchens light, the dark living room giving me a bad vibe. Just run!
My legs start, my heart pounds, my head hurts, my hands tremble. Grabbing the rail of the stairs, I quickly make my way up, not wanting to look down to see him there.
Room room room room! Opening the door, locking the door, running to bed and covering myself, my body relaxes. Oh sweet bed~ how much I love you~ not more than my Ao-chan of course but still.
I hug my pillow tightly turning it vertically, wrapping my legs around it. "If Ao-chan just were to be laying here next to me," "And what did I say about talking about other men near me, sweetheart?" I feel a pair hands grab my hip, slowly pulling it back to meet with a bulge. Him starting to grind himself against me, feeling his bulge getting bigger.
"Get the fuck away from me!" Springing up, I get pulled back down by a tight grip pulling my hair, throwing me back down to the bed. Grabbing both of my hands and putting them up above my head with one hand, the other going down my waist, him starting to kiss my arm with small sucks. I feel my eyes tearing up, my vision get hazy, my head throbbing. "You know, your mother won't be coming till next week from her business trip." Leaning down to my ear, him starting to lick around. "Then we'll have all the days of the week to enjoy ourselves every day~." I look at his eyes, those disgusting eyes that always lay upon me, those abusive eyes that scan my body. "Please don't-," "You'd make a good stripper you know, men'd be thowing hundreds at you, don't get me started with being a prostitute, you'd be rich. Men'll be wanting to own your body instead of a one-day-play. But lucky lucky me~."
"I HATE YOU! I WISH MOM'D HAVE NEVER EVER MEET YOU! YOU DESERVE TO DIE AND BURN IN HELL YOU BASTARD!!" "Hah! Do you think your words'll affect me? Stop me from making you my toy? Please, I just married your stupid mother so I could have you at the palm of my hand. When I used to see you walking with her around with those shorts on, the way your hips sway when you walk, your curves, your flawless pale face with such big lips, just caught my eye. Your mom is the key to my treasure hmm~. And now look at me! Inches away from sticking my big cock up your delicious ass." He grabs the top of my thigh, his fingers digging in my shorts, squishing it hard. "Stop it!! I'm sick and tired of you, always, always doing this to me! If you dare touch me one more fucking time, I swear to God I'll tell mom and everything you told me towards her! You're just playing with her you sick man, using her for such disgusting things."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2018 ⏰

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