RuLeZ for ReQuEsTs

423 3 20

NO Lemons, Limes, Smuts, (I don't even know what that word means but I don't want to find out either) If You want the characters to have a kid, I will do the kid. NOT THE STORY (Lemon, Lime), but the story of parents raising a child. NOT THE LEMON, LIME OR SMUT.

Dark themes can and will be allowed.

I will do relationships that include three people. Example: Lukas x F! Jesse x Aiden. (that wasn't a rule, was it?)

No super violent requests. Mild violence/ Fantasy Violence.

Nothing Inappropriate. I want this to be something like ages 10-15? I dunno Less than 18 I guess? *Shrugs*

Minecraft: Story Mode x Reader Oneshots!!! (Requests Open)Where stories live. Discover now