PAMA x F! Reader Kind Computer

288 6 6

requested by Micro Chan

The female made her way forwards from the spot she had been in. She had currently landed on the dusty sand of the gorgeous mesa biome. How she got there? A portal. Simple, yet very complicated.

The young girl walked towards what she was sure would be a staircase leading to the place called Crown Mesa. It was a small town made at the top of the valley. It's oranges and reds brightly showing around the town. It was small, but had a bit over 1,000 citizens.

She walked down, looking at the town springing to life after all the time it had been... 'useful'. (Y/N) glanced at the houses, making her way to a place she knew would be what she was looking for.

The female looked up as she saw the space where there was once a large emerald or lapiz screen. She exhaled before walking forwards, her eyes tracing around the edges of what had been PAMA, the thinking machine, or computer.

(Y/N) knew about PAMA, but had always been curious about the machine, or the mechanisms in that world in particular. Her (e/c) eyes looked around as she saw some citizens walking by. She looked over to her right where the entrance to PAMA's core was, or had been, if it had been removed. (Y/N) walked towards that direction, looking at the citizens continuing what it was that they were doing.

She reached the entrance, looking inside the dimly lit area. It had only a few torches made from redstone, and there was a clay staircase-ish area leading down, which she used as she descended into the inside of the computer.

(Y/N) looked around in awe at the enormous area. She noticed the emerald screen on the inside was still intact. The female glanced around and saw that there was redstone everywhere; on the ground, pathways, bridges, it was all over the core. The entire area was dimly lit, allowing whatever monsters there were down there to roam safely and freely.

The young female looked over and around; the tower where PAMA's heart had been was missing. (Y/N) quickly remembered that he had tried to protect himself and it had made the heart go down several levels. She jogged lightly over to a hole and looked down, seeing more redstone and a tower at the bottom. (Y/N) inhaled deeply, a bit worried about landing down there. She knew there really wasn't any other way to get there, so she jumped.

(Y/N) somewhat landed, falling over when she did, a bit shocked by the fact that she made it down there. "Ow..." She murmured to herself as she closed her eyes. The fall had hurt her a bit, but not too much. The (h/c) haired girl got up and looked around the tower. Under the heart shaped glass was a slot, where she knew the Redstone heart had been. It had been necessary for PAMA to work, but she knew that it was still like any other redstone device; a source of power.

She pulled out a redstone block, hoping it would do the job. "Please work." She pleaded, and placed to block in the slot. The redstone around it glowed with life, the bright red hue returning as power went through.

The tower jolted up, knocking down (Y/N). She rolled over to her side as the tower continued to go up, holding on for dear life. She glanced around, noticing that she was near the top again. The (h/c) letting out a breath of relief.

Once the tower finally reached the top, the screen turned on. "Rebooting system..." She heard it say, and three dots appeared on it. Y/N stood up, jumping of the tower. She remembered she'd probably need to put more redstone on the other towers, and she did so.

The computer soon turned on, as PAMA's face appeared on the screen. "Wooooow..." She said in awe, staring up at the computer.

PAMA quickly noticed her, "Greetings, I am PAMA. Your Prototype: Autonomous Management Agent." He said, his computerized tone in his voice. He glitched out a bit, but reappeared once more, smiling like the happy computer that he was.

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