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Pipes: Guyssss Will needs a nickname

Bleu™️: I got this babe

Pipes: Ew don't call me that

Smert: Step off my girlfriend Seaweed Brain 🖕


Bleu™️: smh she's not my type anyways 😤

GracE?: Someone's salty

MacaReyna: Besides. We all know that Percy is clearly gay for Jason.


Bleu™️: were you just waiting to say something like that

MacaReyna: Maybe a little bit.

GracE?: ?????

smol: We can discuss Percy's gayness later! We should come up with a nickname for Will :)

Zoo: Yeah!

Will: wisjjedkdkfkffd

Will: Magnus is swagness

Will: y'all can't handle the mango cheese

Nico: will whAT the fuCk

Smert: Uhh??

Cal: What is happening?

Will: Hey yo it's Magnus, Will's friend kinda. Wellll it's more like he's my tutor but either way we're hanging out and I stole his phone how're all of y'all

puNk: what

Nico: excuse me can I have my Will back

GracE?: "My Will"?

Pipes: 'My Will'???

Nico: shUSHHH

Will: if y'all need a nickname for Willyboi I got this 👌

Will changed their name to Nico's gay crush

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