Introduction: Part 1

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Welcome to the Hybrid Lab, as some have come to know of it. Though...... Welcome wouldn't be the appropriate word in this case. Perhaps, abomination. Maybe, the indignity. Or what many would agree on, the horror. This place was a place to fear for hybrids and their families. Most had rumored that this place held the most criminal of people to run the whole operation from underground. Some had said this place didn't even exist....... But none knew the truth.

Take this certain hybrid named, Angel (if you actually have this name, I am sorry. ;-;). She had heard the rumors of this place for a small amount of her life, but never grew to believe any of it. It just seemed rather off to her, and no matter how much prosecution came against her kind, she hardly believe any of it. However...... That all changed the day she was captured.

~12:30 PM, Downtown~

Angels' POV:

I never meant to be running late. I never meant to get so caught up in all the chaos of the place. I hardly even realized where I was headed until the bell of a coffee shop rang. It was late, and this wasn't really the best time to be getting coffee, but then, I remembered how hard my mother worked during the nights, so I went up behind the line.

Fifteen minutes later, I had the coffee in hand, my legs moving me along the sidewalk as I hummed the tune to a simple song that was stuck in my head. However, not even a few minutes had passed that my phone began to ring, and I paused, taking the device out of my pocket to see my mother's contact. She must have woken up early and found I was gone. She always gets paranoid when she wakes up and I'm not close. With a simple sigh and a shake of my head, I pressed 'Answer' and put the phone to my ear. "Yeah, Mom? What's going on?" I asked calmly, trying not to show the extra amount of worry that crossed over my thoughts.

"Sweetheart? Oh thank goodness. I thought you had left. Are you all right?" She asked, her voice seeming instantly relieved as a new tone of motherly nature came into her words. She was always so caring, and even after dad had left, she never shut me out or harmed me..... And I loved her for that.

"Yes. I'm fine. I was just getting you some coffee. You might need it for tonight." I implied, the coffee still in my hand as I looked to it, shrugging subconsciously, as if she could see my actions for herself.

"Aaww. Thank you, Angie. So this means you are coming home, right?" She asked, a sort of anxious tone put into the new and rather expected question. She was always wondering if I would come home...... She was always worried I would leave like dad did.

"Of course I am, Mom. I'd never leave you, we've talked about this." I said, softly reassuring her as I began leaning on the wall behind me. I know my words had instantly snapped some sense into her as she gave a sigh of realization.

"You're right. You're right...... I'll see you when you get home, Angie. Please be safe. I love you."

"I always am. I love you too, Mom." I said, getting the phone away from my ear before hanging up and sighing, getting off the wall and stretching my arms. My wings, being tucked into my grey jacket, twitched and almost widened, though I forced them from doing so.

Hybrids like me were always living in the shadows, being secretive to who we truly are and who we wish to be. I myself had it slightly easier, the only things I had to hide being my long, feathery ears and wings. My mother, though a human, had an ancestry of hybrids, and I had developed the gene...... My dad wasn't too happy about it.

Little did I know, that as I was thinking of this, someone from the shadows of that dark alleyway behind me, was watching and ready to strike.

Narrator's POV:

Inside of that deep and unwelcoming alley, a demon with a dead, green eye was waiting, slowly coming up behind Angel. He was so close, and still, he needed to get closer. She was a perfect prize for the taking, being another freak trophy like the rest of the ones he and his business partner had. After getting just close enough, he giggled, wrapping one hand around her waist, while the other covered her mouth.

She gave a light chirp in turn, dropping both her phone and the warm coffee she had, gently whimpering in fear. However, before her fight or flight instinct could kick in, he put a small injection into her neck, making her eyes slowly become half lidded, her struggles ceasing slowly.

"You should have said goodbye." He teased, his Irish accent light as he quickly put her half-limp body over his shoulder. "Because that's the last time you two will ever talk to each other."

She simply watched as the coffee spilled and spread across the ground, slowly reaching her phone...... She couldn't say anything, her last breath being a sigh as her eyes closed and her world went pitch black....... If she didn't believe those rumors before, she surely believed them now.

~About midnight, ???~

As she began to wake up, she found her legs feeling cold, her whole body being put to it's side, one arm above her head and the other spread before her. She only gave a groan, getting up to find herself in a hospital gown on the ground, the sight before her being cell bars and a brick wall.

With this, she gasped, springing up to her feet in surprise before looking around more. She was surrounded by three walls of brick, none having any large windows, the fourth wall being the cell bars she woke up to.......

She had woken up in the lab....... The lab that was supposed to be nothing but rumors...... But it was there..... It was real..... And she could tell it was by the way the floor felt so cold beneath her feet...... This wasn't how she planned her day to be at all.

Word count: 1060

(HELLO MY BEAUTIFUL LITTLE BEANIES!!! I hope you are all having a good day, because I had a nice one. Anyways, I hope you like this first chapter of 'A Threatening Promise'. And I promise to upload more as soon as I can, because me and a few friends have gotten pretty far in the roleplay that inspired this. I just hope to make you all become a bit thrilled and excited while also realizing a few things along the way. Anyways, goodbye my little beanies. If you wish to vote, comment, or anything, you can go ahead. I'd appreciate. See you all in the next chapter!!!)

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