Introduction: Part 2

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Next on our list of hybrids is a cat hybrid named, Marvin, though during his performances, he is mainly known as, Marvin the Magnificent. He was not always the most famous of the street performers, mainly due to what he was, but nonetheless, he continued to work through it all. He enjoyed the smiles he got to place upon his, almost frightened, fans, sometimes even using his rather special physical features to perform certain tricks. Of course, his fans loved it, and he was proud to to make his kind, and even some others, happy for even a mere moment of their lives.

~About 8:02 PM, A busy street corner~

One day, a human child, who had been staring at Marvin from a distance, which suddenly approached him, asking if she could see a trick. She seemed to be relatively shy, her rare, violet eyes bright with curiosity, wonder, and a sort of hidden childish side. She was kind in her wording, and even though young, anyone could tell that she would possibly be one of the greatest people to meet when she came of age. However, by this time of day, it was after performance hours for him, and he was already set to leave, but this child was just so sincere, he couldn't help but to kneel to her level, a soft and cheerful smile adorning his lips. She was brave enough to approach him, and even kind enough to ask for a personal trick to be shown..... Of course he couldn't deny such a cute little thing as her.

"All right. But pay close attention. Things could get a little -tricky-." He said, giving a small and playful wink, which made the small girl giggle with enjoyment. After putting down his Bag of Befuddlement, as he called it, he put his hand into it, almost instantly grabbing an object before pulling it out. Of course, it was his classic, and oh so beloved, wand that he used for many tricks to please the crowd. "Now", He began. "Before I can go on, may I ask your name?" With this question, the girl blushed in timidity and light embarrassment, her feet shuffling as her eyes became glued to the ground for a moment. "Elizabeth...... My mommy calls me, Lizzy, though." She answered, her bright violet irises moving to meet his sea-like ones that lay behind his mask.

"All right then, Lizzy. Let's start with a small trick." He then took his wand, carefully placing it down to roll up his sleeves. "As you can see, I have nothing up my sleeve." Next, he emptied out his pockets, which were filled with nothing but lint at the time. "Nothing in my pockets either. Not even in my gloves." He said, turning each glove inside out before shoving them back on, causing a small fit of giggles to erupt from Little Lizzy.

He only chuckled in turn before grabbing his wand once more, spinning it in front of her face ever so carefully. She only stared in amazement before he gently booped her nose with it, even sprinkling some glitter over her hair, which only made her giggle even more. This time, he gave a light laugh, finding this child to possibly be one of the most adorable he had yet to find company in. Either way, he gave the hat on his head at least three taps after, making a fist in front of his face and placing the wand directly under it. He waited at least a few seconds before shoving into his hand, a cute little violet popping out from the top, almost blooming in his palm before he opened it, keeping the flower between his thumb and forefinger, the wand now gone from sight.

Elizabeth then gasped in amazement, her surprised face being enough to make Marvin laugh to an almost full extent. "Where did the wand go?" She questioned, looking around him with curiosity, her expression seeming to show confusion, loss, but mostly wonder as to how it all worked. "A true magician never reveals his secrets. But here. Have this." He said, placing the violet behind her ear, moving a bit of hair out of the way in the process. "It'll bring out your eyes in a way."

She only blushed gently at this, smiling shyly before a firm grasp came to her arm, which made her gasp and almost scream, until she looked up to see her mother. "What are you doing with my daughter, Sir?" She asked, staring down at Marvin with a sort of suspicious hatred, her grip staying on her now slightly frightened daughter's arm. "I was just showing her a magic trick, Ma'am. I didn't know that was a crime." He replied, standing up to face the mother with a calm sort of quirkiness, his words causing the small girl to nod. "It's true, Mommy. He was only-"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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