Part 4: Psychic vs Speed

1.6K 17 10

You follow Sayer to see Akiza.

Sayer: Now. Before anything else. I want to duel you.

Y/N: I'm game.

Both: Duel!

Sayer: My turn. I activate Ancient Rules! I'll use it to special summon PSY-Frame Driver!

(PSY-Frame Driver Level 6 Atk: 2500)

Sayer: Then I activate PSY-Frame Focus! This allows me to summon PSY-Frame Delta!

(PSY-Frame Delta Level 2 Atk: 1200)

Sayer: I tune PSY-Frame Delta and PSY-Frame Driver! I Synchro summon! PSY-Framelord Omega!

(PSY-Framelord Omega Level 8 Atk: 2800)

Sayer: I set two cards and end my turn.

Y/N: Draw! I start by special summoning Speedroid Terror Top! Terror Top adds Taketomborg to my hand! Now that I control a Wind Monster, I can summon Taketomborg! I tribute it to activate its effect and summon one Speedroid from my deck. I choose Speedroid Red Eyed Dice! Red Eyed Dice can now increase Terror Top from Level 3 to 6! I tune Speedroid Terror Top and Red Eyed Dice! Spread those wondrous and beautiful wings, and strike down your enemies at the speed of light! Synchro Summon! Appear now! Level 7! Clear Wing Synchro Dragon!

Clear Wing appears with a mighty roar.

Sayer: I activate PSY-Framelord Omega! I banish it and one card from your hand until my Standby Phase!

Y/N: I activate Clear Wing Synchro Dragon's effect! It negates Omega's effect and destroys it, then Clear Wing gains its Atk.

(Clear Wing Atk: 2500---> 5200)

Y/N: Thanks to your mistake, this duel is over! Clear Wing, direct attack!

Sayer: Hm. Well done.

Akiza: Y/N?

Y/N: Hey Akiza. How are you doing?

Akiza: I'm doing alright. What are you doing here?

Y/N: I wanted to see you.

Akiza blushes.

Akiza: See me?

Y/N: Yeah. I decided I want to show you the great things of the world.

Akiza smiles softly.

Akiza: I'd like that.

End of Part 4

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2019 ⏰

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