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October 29, 2017.

"We actually made it on time, chicos y chicas," Jeremiah said as we sat down at our usual seats, Ayesha and her daughters had sat besides us, which was sweet of her because it had been a while since I've seen her.

"Hey, Ayesha, how are you," I said as I hugged her tightly. "I'm good, how about yourself," she asked as I smiled at her daughters who were so adorable.

"I'm great, thanks, let me introduce my friends, Jeremiah and Eli," I said as they extended their hands to shake hers. "Pleasure to meet you guys, I want to introduce you to Riley and Ryan," she said as we waved hi at them since they waved hi at us," so, Janelle, I heard a rumor."

"Rumor," I asked confused as I heard the buzzer go off, meaning they would be heading out to warm up," what about?"

"So, I heard someone asked you on a date," she said with a smirk as I chuckled, shaking my head, looking towards the guys who walked over to their benches.

'Those rumors are true, we're just friends, though," I said with a smile as I turned to look at her. "Girl, this ain't no friendly thing but if you say so," she said, nodding towards the other direction to see Klay walking over with a smile.

"Hey, beautiful, you made it," he said as I stood up to hug him, feeling his arms wrap loosely around me," enjoy the game, I'll see you after."

"Hey, we definitely will," I said with a grin as he hugged Ayesha and high-fived the girls, giving a wave to the guys as I sat back down to feel multiple eyes on me.

"We're just friends," they all said mockingly in unison as I groaned, hearing them laugh as I simply sat there and decided to watch them warm up.
The game had ended with a loss, the guys weren't as upset but it was something they need to improve in.

Ayesha, her daughters, Jeremiah, Eli and I were waiting for the guys, Jeremiah seemed to be distracted by the fact Ryan was on his arms and playing with his hair.

"I have a question, how does Steph deal with his loses," I asked Ayesha as Riley waited for her father to come out.

"He simply does, he's a Warrior and he does know that he'll learn from past mistakes and discuss them with the team," Ayesha said as you heard the door open," I'm excited to see you and Mr. Thompson."

"Oh, hush," I said as I watched Steph walk over to us with a huge smile as he picked up Riley.

"Hey, baby," he said, going over to Ayesha and pecking her on the lips as I smiled, watching him turn to me," Jan, pleasure to see you again," he said as he hugged me.

"You too, I finally got to meet your daughters and they are gorgeous, just look at her and Jeremiah," I said with a chuckle as he went to say hi to the guys.

"Hey, boo thang," I heard Quinn as he evolved me in a huge hug," missed you."

"Hey, boo, I missed you too," I said, hugging him tightly, seeing Jordan behind him with a huge smile as he walked towards me.

"Best friend," he yelled, evolving me in a huge hug, picking me up and swinging me around," I wish I could spent tonight with you but I've got to be in Los Angeles tomorrow."

"I know but we'll hang out as soon as you come back," I said with a smile as he put me down. When he moved to the side to say hi to the guys, I felt my heart jump to see Klay walking out with sunflowers in his hand; how in the world did he know they were my favorite?

"Girl, go get him," Ayesha muttered as I felt a hand behind me back pushing me forwards, encouraging me to go as I grinned, walking over to me as his serious face turned into a smile.

"Hey, beautiful," he said as he opened his arms, hugging him as he continued saying," I got you these," he said as I stepped away, grabbing them from his hands.

"Thank you, you shouldn't have," I said with a smile as I looked at them," they are my favorite."

"Just wanted to give you something before I leave but hey, I got some things to discuss over the date, do you want to FaceTime when I land," he asked as I shrugged.

"We can FaceTime on your way over there, if you'd like, I just have to get home and get ready to sleep," I said with a shrug as he nodded with a smile, walking over to Eli and Jeremiah," where's Ayesha and Steph?"

"They left," Jordan said as he smiled at me," you're looking a bit brighter today, probably the flowers."

"Yes, thanks to Klay," I said with a smile as I felt his hand on my lower back," you leaving right now?"

"Yes, Quinn actually left right now so I think we must say our goodbyes," Jordan said as he went over to the guys, hugging them goodbye as I looked at Klay.

"Well, Klay, I don't want to make you late for your flight so I think we should say our goodbyes," I said as he nodded, wrapping his arm around me tightly as I smiled," thank you again for the flowers."

"I'll FaceTime you as soon as you tell me you're home, I'll see you soon, beautiful," he said as he pulled away, waving bye at me as I waved back.

"Have a safe flight," I said loudly as he turned to look at me with a smile.

"You guys are disgusting," Jordan said jokingly as I turned to look at him," I'm gonna miss you, butt."

"I will miss you too, I'll call you when I can," I said with a grin as we evolved each other in a hug," have a safe flight, I love you."

"I love you too, bye," he said, walking away as I turned to look at the guys," I was going to say lets head home but lets head to the parking lot to say our goodbyes," I said, walking inbetween them towards the exit.
As soon as I got home, I had taken my makeup off, put my hair up and gotten into pijamas. My sunflowers given to me by Klay were put in an empty jar besides the window for them to get some sunlight.

Laying myself in bed, I tapped on Klay's message and texted him that I was home to FaceTime and sent it to him.

After tonight, I wasn't sure what I felt for him but I knew I was making a mistake of liking someone but I had no control over my feelings.

Klay had been trying his absolute best and I gave him points for that but I wasn't sure if I could bring it to myself to fall for him.

My thoughts were interrupted by a call, seeing it was Klay as I answered it, grinning as I saw his face," hey, you boarded?"

"Yeah, I'm going to just give you the details so we can go to sleep, so I know I don't want to give your privacy away so maybe we can do a dinner at someones house," he said as I nodded.

"I say your house because I want my apartment to be a secret till housewarming," I said as he nodded.

"Alright, I'll surprise you with that but nothing formal, but you know, try looking nice, bring an extra pair of clothes because I was thinking of watching a movie with you," he said as I grinned, nodding.

"Alright, well, I can make dessert, if you'd like and I'll bring snacks for the movies," I suggested as he nodded," and we'll argue about the movie then."

Hearing him chuckle, I smiled as he said," alright, sounds like a plan, now, I'm gonna let you go to sleep."

"Alright, text me once you land, good night and sweet dreams," I said with a smile as I saw a bright white flash, meaning he had taken a screenshot.

"Good night and sweet dreams beautiful," he said as he waved bye, waving back as I hung up, placing my phone on the side and covering myself up to my cheek, closing my eyes.

HAPPINESS. >> k.t.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt