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November 14, 2017.

Yawning as I got out of the restroom with a towel wrapped around my hair, I went over to my bed and plopped myself down as I grabbed my phone.

I had gone MIA for the last few days, ever since Klay ditched me for some brunette, but because I had been studying for exams and talking to the coach of USC.

Clicking on my messages, I had unread messages from Jordan, Klay, and Ayesha. Opening them up, I replied to each one of them.

Yesha🥂: where are you? are you gonna be late?
Janelle💟: sorry boo, i couldnt go. :(

Jordan❤️: How come you missed the game? Text me, please.
Jane💘: ive been busy, bub, ill see you soon. 🥺

I finally got to Klay's messages and I opened them as I sighed.

Klay💛: I'm so sorry for last night, there's no excuse for my actions but I just want to talk, please.
              Please, answer me. I'm really concerned.
              Why weren't you at the game? We're all worried. Please, answer me.
             Janelle....please, just text me. I don't want this to continue till you leave, please, I can't let you leave knowing you're upset.

Jan💓: hey, klay. im sorry for being mia...ive been busy.

Sighing, I placed my phone down and removed the towel from my head. My phone vibrated and I glanced to see it was Klay who had texted me.

Klay💛: Is there anyway we can see each other today?

Jan💓: we can meet somewhere, to protect our privacy, i feel like you should choose.

Klay💛: cassava, ill make a reservation.

Jan💓: okay, let me know when you make them, i'll calculate the time.

Cassava was a rather fancy restaurant but they had privacy reservations. Standing up, I walked over to my restroom to go to the closet and pick an outfit to wear. 

I had gotten a few options; a black long sleeve with a light burgundy skirt, a white long sleeve with loose sleeves and a light brown skirt, and a black floral velvet dress.

I thought the black long sleeve with the light burgundy skirt was the best option because I was mostly comfortable with a tight top. Going back to my room, I walked over to my phone and saw Klay's message.

Klay💛: Okay, I made a priv. reservation at 7, do you want me to go pick you up?

Jan💓: yes but dont enter, i thought my apartment was gonna be a lil surprise but half of the people already know how it looks like 🙄

Klay💛: True, you need to make the plans for the housewarming but I'll let you know once I get to your house later, see you later.❤️
Finishing straightening my hair, I ran a hand through it as I looked at myself in the mirror. My wavy hair wasn't cooperating so I decided to flat iron it to tame it down a bit.

Spraying some perfume, I closed the restroom door behind me as I walked over to my pantry to get my handbag. Grabbing it, I walked over to my kitchen as I sat on my stool at the bar and waited for Klay to text me or call.

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