Bleak, Uncertain Road

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    It was two hours later when Dr. Collins came back into the room. Finn and Carole had returned and were sitting down again with the others. Despite it being two in the morning, none of them were sleeping, all kept awake by the awful news they had just been given.

    “So,” Burt started, “Can you treat this?”

    “Yes we can, and we believe we’ve caught it pretty early but the sooner we start treatment the better.”

    “How soon?” Burt asked her.

    “Next week would be best.” Kurt looked up at her, his eyes wide.

    “Next week?!” his voice was high and strained and he started coughing again.

    “I know it seems soon but the faster we start treatment the better chance we have to beat this.” Kurt just nodded.

    “Kurt, I would like it if you remained here at the hospital until we finish your first round of treatment.”

    “You want me to stay? So what, I come back Friday night or…”

    “Actually, it would be better if you started your stay here tonight.”

    “Tonight?” Carole asked, “But you said his treatment starts next week.”

    “Yes I know, but the CLL has also weakened his immune system and the flu infection could become serious. You said he hasn’t eaten or drank anything all day so we also need to start a drip to keep him hydrated,” Dr. Collins explained to them.

    “But, it’s the last week of school before we’re off for Christmas!” Kurt said, “The Glee Club is supposed to be raising money like we did last year!”

    “Dude, forget Glee Club for a minute, we’ll manage, you just need to get better,” Finn said, knowing Kurt’s health was more important than anything else right now.

    “I don’t want to forget Glee Club,” Kurt said, his eyes filling with tears again, “I want to go to school.” Noah rubbed his back soothingly and Dr. Collins beckoned for Burt and Carole to follow her out into the hall.

    “Are you sure we can’t send him back just for tomorrow? Just to get any stuff he’s missed or tell his friends?” Carole asked, knowing the answer already but feeling that she needed to ask for the sake of her almost stepson.

    “I’m afraid not,” Dr. Collins said, “We just can’t risk this infection getting worse. We’re going to run some more tests on him now so if you four want to go home and get some his of his clothes and things and the two other boys can get his stuff from school tomorrow. Only one of you can stay over night I’m afraid so I’ll leave you to work that out.” She turned and left them standing there, facing a bleak and uncertain road ahead.

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