Korea Bound

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Summer woke up first and decided to get breakfast ready for her and Eun Sang. She always enjoyed cooking for other people, even though the maids and housekeepers thought it was odd. Upon walking into the kitchen, she saw her father who smiled at her behind his cup of coffee, "You're up early, did you have a good night with your friend? She seems very sweet."

Summer sleepily smiled back at him, "Ne, and she convinced me to move to Korea. So, you will definitely like her now." She walked over to her father to give him a hug as he looked very surprised. He put his arms around his daughter, "Well that was a quick decision, I thought it would take you much longer. But I am so glad to hear it" She hid her face in his sweater, "I will miss you Abeoji."

"My dear, I will miss you too. But I know this is for the best." He put down his cup of coffee, afraid of spilling it on her back, and put both his hands on her shoulders. "Would you want to stay at Kim Tan's or should I get you your own place. I know you don't like big empty houses, so I just want to make sure you are happy and comfortable." He was looking at her with utmost concern, already imagining his daughter being so far away from him. He was almost regretting his decision in that moment.

"I think having my own place would be better. Perhaps I can stay in a hotel or something, that way I know there are people around but I still have my own space," she nodded thoughtfully at this, "Also, I have a favor to ask." She looked up at her father, coming back from her thoughts.

"Could we get Eun Sang a flight back home? She's kind of stranded here and doesn't have the means to buy her own flight. She explained she has a friend back home who is trying to help her, but I think this way will be quicker for her." Summer started getting the ingredients ready for her breakfast while she waited for his reply.

"Of course, that wouldn't be a problem at all. I can book your flights together if you'd like," he helped her get the skillet hanging above the island. "Ani, I need at least a week to get my stuff together, and I think she wants to go back right away."

"Understood, I will get that to you. Let me know if there is anything else I can help with," he leaned down and kissed his daughter on top of her head. He then grabbed his coffee and left the kitchen just as Eun Sang was walking in.

"Annyeonghaseyo" Eun Sang bowed to him in the hallway, "Kamsahamnida, for letting me stay in your home." He smiled at her, "It's my pleasure, thank you for convincing my Summer to go to school in Korea. I know she will thrive there. I also hope she will continue to have a friend like you." He then pointed down the hallway, "she's in the kitchen preparing breakfast".

Eun Sang bowed again and walked to the kitchen, "Annyeong, your father is very kind." She smiled and walked over to Summer, "Can I help?" Summer pointed at the tortillas on the counter, "Can you hand me that please? I am making you a taco breakfast! And yes, he is. He is also going to take care of your flight, so you got nothing to worry about." Summer smiled at Eun Sang's shocked expression, "M-mwo? Ani! That is too much, Chan Young said he can help me!" She was shaking her head in protest.

"Did he get your ticket yet?" She pointed at the tortillas again. Eun Sang got the tortillas for her, "Well ani, but he said he will do it as soon as he can. And Taco...breakfast?" Summer laughed, "Well my father is getting the ticket today, so just say thank you and accept it, and yes! It is a Mexican dish, I think you will love it! Now go sit down." She could very demanding when she wanted to be.

Eun Sang sat down at the island, laughing a bit nervously at the feeling that she couldn't change Summer's mind. When breakfast was ready, they ate at the dining room table and Eun Sang loved her first taco breakfast. She even had seconds.

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