Facing the music

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I made Crowley transport me to the front of the hotel, I needed the time walking up to the rooms to prepare me for facing the man who was so ready to lay his hands on me, the man whose heart I had broken. 

I linked my fingers with Crowley's as we climbed the stairs. 

"You're going to be okay" he whispered noticing my nervousness, I tried to smile in response but it was forced. I stopped in front of the hotel room door. 

"Crowley I need to do this alone." I said, scared of his reaction,

"What?" he hissed "after what he did to you? no way!"

"Crowley please" I replied "He's hurting and you being there is only going to make things worse"

"He's getting in your head and you haven't even walked through the door yet" he groaned

"I need to do this" I told him, eyes pleading with him. He sighed and shook his head but gestured for me to go in alone. I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him softly before pushing open the door. 

"Gracie" Lucifer exclaimed as soon as I stepped into the room, I ignored him, he needed to know I was still upset too. 

"Boys can I have a minute with him please" I asked addressing Sam and Dean

"Grace you know what happened last time you had a minute with him" Dean protested

"Dean don't fucking start" I snapped getting irritated by everyone's lack of faith in me. He looked stunned by my outburst,

"Come on Dean" Sam said and they both pushed past me. I closed the door behind them and turned my attention to Lucifer. I slowly walked over perched on the bed in front of him.

"I didn't think you'd see me again" he whispered 

"I nearly didn't" I snapped

"Grace I'm sorry for what I did" he exclaimed "but I stopped, I regained control and I didn't hurt you"

"You did Lucifer" I laughed "pulling me to the floor by my hair and forcing me to my knees fucking hurts" 

"You hurt me first" he yelled

"You sound like a petulant child" I shouted back

"How could you do that to me Grace" he asked "How could you give yourself to someone else knowing what I feel for you" 

"I love him Lucifer" he flinched at my words like they burnt "how did you know?"

"I felt it" he snapped "the bond connects your soul to me, I felt the purity being stripped away"

"Then tell me how to break the bond Lucifer" I sighed "why carry on putting yourself through this" 

"If I break the bond I lose you" he whispered, it hurt hearing him say those words, bond or not I cared for him,

"You'll never lose me Lucifer" I replied standing up and walking over to him, crouching so I could look in his eyes "I'm right here, you just can't have me in a romantic way"

"Oh so we get to be friends" he scoffed "I can't be your friend and watch the girl I love with someone else" 

"Break the bond Lucifer" I sighed "it can't be any worse than how we're feeling now"

"If I do" he started "Will you forgive me, for everything I've done to you?" his question took me by surprise, I swore that I would never forgive him for almost beating me, but his request was reasonable. I paced for a few minutes, before returning to face him.

"Yes" I replied, just one word, his face lit up with relief "now how do we do this?"

"The only way to break the bond is to make a new deal that underwrites the previous one" he explained.

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