Ending it all

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-Ruby pov-

"You don't remember anything?" I ask him

"Just bits and pieces" he said

"Our marriage?"

"I saw the video"

"Our son?"

He shook his head



"What about my sister?"

"Is she the blonde hair girl with the big ti....I mean no..."

"Well what triggered the other memories"

"....I don't know....it happens randomly....the last time it happen it was because of a name being mentioned....like that guy Roman..."

-(Y/N) POV-

As I said the name another memory triggers, I am a boy and I look up to see three people around me.

An elder man with a woman and a younger man as well.

It seems were a happy family, I assume that the two older people are my mother and father, the younger person has to be a sibling of mine.

We are all at a show, it was rather exciting as me and my sibling are using two sticks we found as weapons to reenact some of the fighting scenes, our parents led us through an alley way were torchwich was waiting for them.

"Pity Thomas....we could have ruled this world...but you threw it away for a woman....dont worry it will all be over, I'll take care of the company "

He snapped his fingers and 4 white fang members gun down my parents in cold blood.

I screamed hugging my sibling, we would have been next if the cops didnt show up.

Depression grips both of our hearts years later as my brother turned to a life of drug abuse, it didnt take long till he died as well....the person who pushed the drugs on him was none other than Torchwich....I am now truly alone at the age of 12.

I start breathing hard as hot streams of tears fall down my face.

"Mother...Father.....(B/N).....he killed them....he....killed my family"

Ruby places my head on her breast hugging it, I dry my tears and ball my fist up in a fit of rage.

"That son of a bitch is going down!"

"Not tonight....I just got you back after 4 days"

"4 days?!"

"Yes...the world thinks your dead and he is running your companies, you need your rest"

Shes right....I have been awake for awhile hunting this man but it's not with out its reasons, this...murder, this drug pusher must doe for what he as done.

I get up drying my eyes and grab my helmet putting it on.

"I cant stop now"

"(Y/N) please! I cant bear the thought of losing you again! Think of (S/N) our son!"

"That's why I'm doing this....I dont want our son to witness the loss I went through ever....If i dont end this then who will"

She puts her head in my chest sobbing a bit.

"Fine...I'm coming with you..."

"No your not"

"(Y/N) are both know how this is gonna end so dont fight it!"

Forgotten Rose (Amnesia Red Hood Male Reader x Ruby Rose)Where stories live. Discover now