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promise | joey & hunter

I don't know how I got here, but I don't care. It feels good. Not the good where your heart swells in happiness or you're constantly grinning or you can't even imagine a better situation because it's that fantastic. It's a different type of good. I guess, maybe, good isn't a word to fit the situation, because it isn't actually good. It's some sort of relief. But it really isn't relief, because I know I'll regret it in the morning. I'll have scars and bruises as some wicked form of discipline, even though he doesn't know what I'm doing. He just knows I'm here and he knows I'm not with him. Within the next few days, hell will have broken loose and I will be to blame.

But, for now, it feels good.

Hunter flips us over swiftly so that he's on top of me. He holds himself up with his elbows, tangling his fingers in my hair. The lower half of his body is pressed against mine as he kisses my jaw. I close my eyes and lean my head back, allowing him access to my neck which he gladly takes advantage of.

It escalated quickly. At first, I came up to his room so that he could get me wasted. We went from sipping bottles of wine to playing a game of twenty questions, which wasn't all that thrilling. I did discover, though, that he thinks I'm beautiful. I have yet to decide whether I believe that statement or not.

And, well, after that... he kissed me. Or I kissed him. I'm not really sure. We kissed each other, I guess. And now he's placing messy kisses on my neck while I tug on his hair, causing him to let out an occasional moan against my skin.


All thoughts have left my mind. Joey is here. I'm here. That's all I know. Maybe it's wrong. Maybe it isn't. It doesn't feel wrong, but I guess feelings can often deceive you.

"Hunter," Joey murmurs. I pause, looking down at her. Her eyes are barely open and she has a soft smile on her lips. Due to recent events, her black dress has slipped up her body and the hem rests at her hips, exposing everything below. I stare at her a moment too long – she opens her eyes and bites down on her lip, her cheeks flushed.

She reaches down slowly and pulls her dress up further, stunning me.

There's no way she's sober enough for this. An hour ago she was shy and closed off.

She doesn't want this, does she?

I reach down and put my hands around her wrists, stopping her from doing something she might regret in the future. I glance down at her waist and notice something that shocks me.


She's pulled her dress up enough so that half her stomach is now exposed. The shocking part of it is the coloring – she has large, brownish-purple spots on her abdomen that she seems to have forgotten about. Or maybe she doesn't care that I see.

"What happened?"

I look up at Joey, whose brows are pushed together as she thinks. She pulls her arms out of my hands and pushes her dress back down quickly.

"I fell," she tells me finally. I raise an eyebrow. I find it hard to believe she got three nasty bruises from a fall. What, did she fall into the Grand Canyon?

"How many times did you fall?" I ask. Joey sighs, turning on her side. She pushes her hair out of her face and stares at the wall.

"Fifty-thousand and two times."

Well... this has taken an odd turn.

I decide it's best to stop asking Joey questions about her injuries, especially considering her drunken state. Instead of pestering her, I get off the bed and go to my closet.

"Fifty-thousand falls, huh?" I ask.

"And two," she murmurs. I shake my head, sliding my closet open and pulling a hoodie out. I turn around with it in hand, immediately catching Joey's eye. She looks tired, drunk, and confused. I offer her a comforting smile, which she blandly tries to return. Instead of saying anything else, I sit on the edge of the bed. Joey sits up next to me.

"Here," I murmur, holding out the sweatshirt. Joey sports a real smile this time and I can't help but smile back at her, pulling the cloth over her head. She pushes her arms through and lays back down, closing her eyes immediately.

"I can sleep here?" she mumbles.

"Well, I'm fairly certain your friend is the epitome of drunk and I don't know where you live," I reply. "So, yeah, you can sleep here."

Joey smiles, keeping her eyes closed. I stand up and head to the bedroom door, ready to leave her alone so she can go to sleep.


I stop, my hand on the doorknob.


"To be continued?" Joey asks. I turn my head to look at her, but she still hasn't opened her eyes. Does she know what she's saying? Is she sleep-talking?

"Er – yeah, sure."


I take one last look at her before I open the door and step out.

"I promise."


this chapter is soooo bad. im sorry. i promise i will edit it later on. its unbelievably cheesy and cringey. my deepest apologies.
also i promise this story is going to get more lighthearted. you shall see the dawson boys together very soon. and the thalia/joey duo.

song: fools - troye sivan
chapter published: aug 25, 2018

*unedited. shocker.

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