Chapter 10 <3

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Chapter 10

The Hotel

When we got to the hotel there were paparazzi vans everywhere. We saw the rest of the boys standing outside the front entrance taking pictures with fans. Many of the girls were screaming, "WHERE"S HARRY?"

The boys weren't responding and when Louis looked over and saw us walking up, he yelled, "Look here he comes now!" I tried to drop Harry's hand so he could take pictures with the fans, but he would not let mine go. The girls gave me extremely dirty looks, but every time I looked back at Harry his eyes were only on me. I just got butterflies, and these girls stares would not ruin this moment.

Eventually Louis said, "Thank you everyone for coming out here, but we really must go inside now! We will be out tomorrow, I promise, and we will take more pictures with you guys! Thank you so much for supporting us and just being amazing!" The girls were cheering for the boys and still glaring at me, but I didn't mind. Harry continued to hold my hand all the way to the hotel room. Once we were inside, the stories and laughter that we shared at lunch continued.

After hours of sitting on the floor in a big circle talking, sharing weird, funny and some serious stories about one another, I felt as if i had been friends with the boys for years and years rather than just one day. I felt like I knew each of the boys individually as well, not just them as a boy band. They found out everything about me as well. I was actually amazed at how much they were interested in my life. They asked me questions about my family, the sports I played, and at the serious moments they asked about my parents divorce and since Louis is currently going through his parents divorce, we were able to comfort each other. I didn't think you could get to know a person that quickly, but these boys definitely changed my mind. They were just so easy to talk to. I no longer looked at them as celebrities, but rather just normal teenagers living out their dreams. I think that was the best part about them. They are just so normal.

I looked at the clock that read 10:23, then I looked over at Niall who was yawning and leaned over resting his head on Liam's shoulder. I looked at Zayn and his eyes looked droopy and he was taking long blinks. Louis and Harry however looked like they could stay up for another 8 or so hours. I was leaning on Harry and I felt myself getting tired.

"It's getting kinda late, maybe I should start heading home." I suggested.

Harry looked at me with big puppy dog eyes and said, "No! Please stay! You can stay here tonight if you don't wanna drive back, or we'll have our drivers take you home and you can get your car tomorrow."

"I'm getting really tired, and i still have a load of homework to do. If you want, after school tomorrow we can hang out again."

"Yes I'd like that very much." Harry said with a smile. "I'll walk you to your car."

I said my goodbyes to the rest of the boys and promised I'd see them soon. Then Harry walked me out of the hotel all the way to my car. There was still paparazzi standing outside, but the screaming girls were all gone. Good no death glares. When we got to my car I began to play with my keys realizing I really didn't want to leave yet. I wanted to go back upstairs, sit in Harry's arms and just relive this whole day again. As I finally picked out my car key out of the rest of the keys on my lanyard, Harry reached down and grabbed the keys out of my hand. He tossed them behind him and leaned down and gently kissed my lips.

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