Chapter 29

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"Bow before your new queen. I am defiant. I am powerful and I am here to stay. So quiver away and respect me, or face the consequences."

"How do you feel?" Caleb was the first to speak and I finally snapped out of my daze. The sun was starting to rise and I sat up, covering myself and turned to my husband. "That was new," I touched his chest and he grabbed me, pulling me into his embrace. "Did you like it?" he asked, "is the queen satisfied?" 

"I am," I was surprised at my answer, "but I knew you were very good in the bed." "Why do you say so?" he blushed and smirked at me and I looked away. "Rumors fly around in this palace. They gossip a lot of the prince Caleb."

"Well I hope you heard only good." "I wouldn't listen to the bad ones anyway, I know what I signed up for." "And what is that exactly?" "To be your wife and to be loyal to you," I leaned on his chest and kissed him. "I am still suspicious of this change of heart, but I will be foolish to think that you want me." 

"You are not a foolish man and you know that," I rolled my eyes, "come now your wife is famished."

"Needy wife," he chuckled but we sat up and got dressed before a knock was on the door.

A young woman walked in with Pi and Ro. "She is here to inspect our queen," Pi spoke up and Caleb looked at me before I nodded. "I will be out shortly," I assured him and he kissed me again as we were left alone; Pi and Ro leaving behind him.

"If you will please lie down," she pointed at the bed and I listened to her order.

Lifting my dress, I spread my legs as she inspected me. I felt my face flush, this felt so wrong but I knew I had to go through with this so that my reign could continue. 

"You are set to go," she moved from under my dress and stared at me, "how does it feel to be royalty?" "Excuse me?" I asked. That was such a strange question to ask. "How does it feel to no longer know struggle?" she asked, "I mean you were one of us right? That's the rumor circulating. The prince married a peasant whore and made her queen. Why do you think there is a war raging. A whore as a queen. The commoners aren't the only one coming for the crown, other countries as coming to right the wrong our pharaoh has done."

"Do you not know who you are speaking to?" I stood and walked toward the door, "you will be handled properly." "Ah, getting used to that power," she chuckled and I paused, feeling shamed. "Why are you doing this?" I asked, "I earned my spot. He is in love with me, you should be happy. I am going to do good for our people." "I am not your people," she then chuckled and lowered her body to her feet. "There is one thing my people know," she stood and I noticed something was in her hand. "We don't let our guard down around strangers."

She lunged for me with a sharp blade and cut my side as I screamed in pain.

Pushing her from me, I backed away into a corner. Shit. She was trying to kill me.

"Get away from me!" I screamed louder, hoping guards were still around my door as she walked toward me. "Caleb will learn of his mistakes and sadly you are the warning shot." "Why are you trying to kill me?" I asked, trying to distract her.

I had my eyes on her but my mind was occupied with her next steps. "Because my boss is after his blood, you chose to marry the wrong guy. But don't think you're innocent in this. Your line of future husbands all owed my boss something." "Rafa?" I asked and she nodded. "You were supposed to die in that fire. I had everything planned and now you're the queen? Ha! He is going to love this," she swiped at me again, "I killed the queen."

"Wait, please. I am innocent in this. I had no clue about Rafa; our marriage was arranged." "This goes further than that, Rafa was the first one. Then you entered our world of baladi and met Caleb. He turned his back on us and no one leaves baladi."

"This is about belly dancing?" "You think it's just dancing? I see where you ranking lays. No, this is a whole dark world; from dancing to assassination. We take care of problems and you two are on that list. Now stay still, I don't want this messy."

"Who wants our head, you can at least tell me that before I die." "Now why would I do that?" she asked, "stop trying to distract me, stay still."

She grabbed my arm and plunged her blade in my side and screamed as loud as I could. She pulled out the blade and showed me her blood stained knife. "I am sorry."

She pulled back and stabbed me again as I began to lose consciousness.

It turned black and I felt my body go into shock as I fell. She backed away and turned at a loud crashing sound.

"Amina!" I heard Pi and Ro enter the room. "IF you leave this room I will let you survive," the woman warned them and I slumped over. "Please, don't harm them."

"Guards!" Pi screamed as the woman grabbed Ro. "Tell your little friend to cancel that," she screamed, raising the knife as Pi continued to scream.

I heard the guards outside, but I couldn't see as much.

Ro fell beside me and I saw that the woman had stabbed her as well. I grabbed her hand and saw tears fall down her face. 

"Amina?" she began to cry and I quieted her.

The guards grabbed and pinned the woman as she tried to fight them. "Ro?" Pi ran to her sister and held her. "Please help us," she began to cry as I struggled to stay awake.

"Amina!" I heard Caleb enter the room. My body was raised and I looked at my husband. Was I dying?

Could I be healed in time? "Call the doctors now!" he screamed and one guard left. "Kill that wench," he threatened but I stopped him. "No," I simply said and he looked at me, tears in his eyes. "I left you with her, I left you. I am so sorry, Amina." "No," I struggled to say again.

"Amina," he begged, holding my sides as blood poured all over. "Please hold on," he rested his head on mine, but I didn't feel anything anymore.

I just felt cold. So cold.

Was this it? Was this how my legacy ended?

Would Memphis ever find out? Would Raelyn know? How would Hai feel about it? Would Caleb honor his word and make our people his priority?

So many questions flew through my head and I only had one that mattered. What was next?

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