JUDGING DEADLINE for 1st Part of Round 1

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Welcome again Ladies and Gentlemen.
As you all know the first part of Round 1 has officially begun, meaning that, the judges are hard at work judging, and trying to decide which books will make it to the next round. To make it easier for all of us down below are what the judges are meant to look at when reading the books.


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1. Cover or Graphic design- 10 points
2. Plot-20 points
3. Story relationship with plot- 20 points
4. Grammar-15 points
5. Spelling- 10 points.
Total-75 points.


The book I used above is not really a book, well not that I know of

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The book I used above is not really a book, well not that I know of.
Pls follow the instructions above carefully, and correctly.
The due date for the judging deadline is Semptember 30th.

I'm glad to announce that we have found a judge for Fanfiction, but we are still looking for a judge for Mystery/Thriller.

The new Fanfiction judge is: @IsaraAlhilo
All the entries for Fanfiction pls go follow this username, and pls not that all the follows are Parmenent. If you unfollow any Judge, or Host, you will be disqualified.

Stay Tuned for the next chapter.
Good luck!

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