Two is Better than One

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**Amy's POV**

After greeting Rory with the usual, I sat down next to him. He stared at me with shock for a small while and then started to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I asked him as he was starting to get stares from his loud laughter.

"How the hell did you do it?" he asked in between giggles.

"Do what?" Now I was confused.

"How'd you pull off such a prank?" he questioned, "Doctor! River! You can come out now!" I then realized that Rory thought this whole thing was a big practical joke.

"Rory..." I said quietly, "this isn't a prank. You were sent back in time by a weeping angel."

"Then how come you're here?" he said smugly.

"I couldn't live in a world where you weren't living." As I finished my sentence, Rory's laughter and smiling came to a sudden stop. He looked at me and just started to cry.

The next 10 minutes consisted of Rory crying and apologizing for being such an idiot. I tried comforting him with hugs and kindness, but we both knew that wasn't my thing. I finally turned his crying into laughter by saying, "Yes, you got sent back in time because you weren't paying attention to your surroundings, but I saw the angel, I had the TARDIS, I had my life, and I choose to look away. I chose my stupid faced idiot."

He looked at me smiling, and I gave him a quick kiss before asking what the hell we were gonna do? He quickly responded with, "I have no clue, but I have a newspaper and a red-headed Scottish girl with me, so I'm pretty confident in myself right now."

God, I loved that goofball. I knew that I made the right decision to be with Rory, but I missed the Doctor and my old life so much at this moment. The Doctor would know what to do. He would think of a plan, that of course River would one-up. But now it's just me and Rory.

We knew that the Doctor couldn't come back, so we were destined to complete our lives here. Like it or not, Rory and I were forced to start our lives over completely.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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