Blurr X Reader

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You groaned as Sentinel called you a mech for the fifth time today. You hated that self absorbed brat, he didn't think you were met for the Elite Guard, but you'd someday show him, but your conscious told you that he wasn't worth it, and only cared about the pretty femmes. You were the only femme in the Elite Guard, and everyone looked down on you just because you were a femme, and you weren't 'strong enough'. Although, Blurr and Jazz didn't look down on you like some dog that had been abandoned out in the wilderness, cold shaking and hadn't eaten a thing. They actually considered you as a part of the Elite Guard, and not some weak femme that somehow wondered into the Elite Guard base, looking for trouble.

"Y/N!" The femmes head suddenly jerked up, and her visor brightened as she looked around, looking for the voice that startled her greatly. She then sighed in relief as she realized the voice was only Blurr. And as guessed, he ran in, knocking some equipment off the table as he ran passed it. He looked at the items and grinned sheepishly, and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Sorry-Y/N, I-didn't-mean-to-knock-things-over!" Are-you-okay? Nothing-damaged, right?" She laughed slightly, and picked up the things. "Nah Blurr, you're fine." He sighed in relief and and looked at you with sudden scared optics. "You-have-to-help-me! Bumblebee-won't-stop-calling-me-Zippy! And-my-name's-not-Zippy!" You raised an invisible eyebrow, and looked at him. "How is Bumblebee in the Elite Guard base on Cybertron?"

"Intercom." Was as he answered with.

A voice echoed throughout the tiny room, and it startled both you and Blurr.

"Y/N! Hurry up and get down to the main bridge! I don't have all day!"

You sighed and realized that today you have a little 'test' to do about engineering and using gadgets. And Sentinel was going to be there, too. He's probably going to push you to hurry up, and get all the answers wrong. "Sorry Blurr, I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow!" He frowned as he saw you hurry down to the main bridge. How was he going to confess his love for you?  Maybe tomorrow he can actually tell you about how he feels about you.

~Magical timeskip of doom!~

The test went well. Sentinel wasn't there to hug you half to death, and you could finally spend some time with Blurr. You love that cute speedster. You just didn't know how to say that you have deep feelings for him without destroying your friendship. You were scared that he would reject you. You sighed as your visor dimmed, and you thought maybe he felt the same way?

Your visor brightened as you heard peds on the ground, they were moving quickly. You knew it was Blurr by the way he was screaming your name quickly and incoherently. You chuckled slightly, and waited at the door. The next movement caught you by surprise as Blurr picked you up and slung you around gleefully. You yelled for him to stop.

"Blurr, Blurr! I'm getting dizzy!"

He stopped, looked at you, and said some things you couldn't understand clearly.

"Y/N! I-am-sorry-that-I-came-in-as-fast-as-I-did. I-saw-your-scores-on-your-engineering-test, and-you-passed! The-reason-I-came-in-here-so-fast-was-because-I-wanted-to-congratulate-you!"

He talked so fast he had to stop and catch his breath. He then stared again, but more slowly.

"I have developed deep feelings for you, Y/N." Your visor widened as he actually talked slow for once, he couldn't see your optics, mostly because you didn't have optics, but your visor stayed wide and you smiled.

"I have feelings for you too. I was scared that you'd reject me, and our friendship would be destroyed. Relationship does things to people."

He nodded. But his gaze turned sadder as he walked up to your face. "Why would I reject you? You're  the most magnificent femme I have ever met."

He brought you into a kiss and secured your waist around his hands. The kiss was soft, but it soon turned into a more powerful one. You both fighting for domination. You somehow won, and you got to explore his mouth inch by inch. He moaned and brought you closer, the kiss deeping more. He then got to explore your mouth, which was now his property.

The intercom went off, echoing throughout both your processors. Sentinel. "Blurr! We need you down to the main bridge! You've done celebrated enough!" Blurr separated, and looked you in the visor. He hugged you tightly, and sped off, meeting Sentinel. You touched your lip components and smiled slightly. It turns out he did feel the same way.

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